
Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Giant Clock

I seem to have this wonderful sideline thing going on in my creative world... Making crazy steampunk stuff...

If you are visiting from WOYWW, this is what was on my "desk" last week...
A gentleman who saw my installation at the restaurant Steam asked me to make him a giant clock 2.26m big and steampunk a taxidermy Warthog head which he had dropped off.

The boardroom that these items were going in is up a narrow flight of stairs.

I had to make the clock out of wood instead of my usual foamcore and therefore had to make it in 1/4s so it could be manhandled up the stairs and put together insitue.
I got the board company to cut the sheets of 18mm MDF into 4 times 1.13m squares and then drew the curve on them for my dear hubby to cut with a jigsaw.

Then I set about priming the wood.
In the mean time I designed the roman numerals in Corel Draw and send them off to be lazer cut in 3mm MDF along with the hands.

I purchased the nuts,bolts and metal plates from a local hardware store and got my dear hubby to drill the holes for me.  Then it was a case of all hands on deck and under the deck to put it together.
Once it was all in one piece I could paint technique it and add the final details

Here she is in her final abode.

I will document the warthog another day!