
Saturday, 25 June 2011

Oil Painting

Well, talk about the delay queen! Not really, yes really! I offered my skills at a school fund raiser last year in November to paint a portrait for the highest bidder...needless to say my best friend won it, not collusion from my side, I might add... and then she moved house...

She said not to do it immediately, then this year just ran away with me and without a deadline, I just kept putting it on the back burner. I had drawn it out in January and that is as far as I got!

New rule for me and my projects: always have a deadline, even if I make it up myself!

You guessed it! Today was D day! I had nothing planned so I scheduled in this Oil Painting and 7 hours and 15 min later, here you have it!

Below is the photo I worked from and the beginning stage after 4 hours

Phew, now I can cross it off my to do list!

Tomorrow I can play with my Tim stash and not feel guilty! HOOORAY!


  1. Wow this is have such a talent!! Im sure your friend will be blown away by this....I would xx


  2. I am so pleased you like the PIF gift. I have not thought about posting on my blog as I am having such a lovely time walking around New York that I come home and sit exhausted looking at the skyline. Plus when I am on holidays I really do have a break. Good to hear you have your passport, where are you going? Ohh have to say you have painted a beautiful portrait. your friend will be pleased.


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