
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Whats on your workdesk Wednesday 111

Wednesday again in Blogland and it is WOYWW 111. In cricket, that is a known as a Nelson and you have to lift your feet off the ground till the score changes! Goodness knows where that little funny legend comes from!

Here is my desk to peruse, nothing happening, just the chaos after making my card for Nelson Mandela's birthday on Monday. And in fact, the card is still lurking in the corner of the photo....

Oh and then there is my work office folder (seems like Julia and I have something in common - our desks are dual purpose) and my long coveted and just acquired Tim Holtz flourish stamp by Stampers Annon. The first time I have seen this brand for sale here in South Africa, I could not believe my eyes, I pounced on it so ecstatically that the shop assistant thought I was loosing the plot and came running over to see if everything was ok!

Now that you have finished perusing my desk, go to Julia's desk where you will find the links to lots of other desks all across the world on full view in all their neat or chaotic glory!

Happy WOYWW everyone!



  1. Congrats on the Tim Holtz stamp. I love mine! :) Great work desk - I hope you get to something else creative today!

  2. Funny story about your new Tim stamp!! ;) It is a very nice stamp too...have a great week.

  3. Aha! You got that stamp. I want one. We have loads in common gal, although dual desks is prolly the only one you'd like to admit to!!

  4. glad you got the stamp ,Love the story!Hopefully you may get more T/Holtz stuff keep looking!
    Have cretive week
    hugs judex 8

  5. Hi there Bella, am so loving that stamp too have seen it on blogs and coveted but yet to see it for sale too! Glad it found you! happy WOYWW thanks for popping over and for sharing, love Shaz in Oz.x


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