
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday 112

Well this Wednesday finds me in the throws of finally getting my kits to the shop! I am seeing one of the shop owners tomorrow and so am packaging and labeling everything. This always takes me longer than I anticipate, so this is where I left off last night some time.

Today I have given you two views of my desk so you can really get the feel of the chaos that has taken over right now.

There are rolls of ribbon, a pile of tags, piles of piles of stuff every where, perhaps I should have taken a pic of the floor too to give you a realistic view of the reality around me!

Now that you have seen my desk, head off to Julia's one to join in the fun. Happy WOYWW112 everyone!


  1. your space looks just fabulous - looking creative in the chaos!
    thanks for the peek today! Sarah (Sasa at 1)

  2. Congrats on getting the kits together! Love the space! Considering all it takes to get stuff together, it looks rather neat and loved! LOL! Thanks for sharing- Amanda#36

  3. Kitting is such a big job! Hate it.
    Happy WOYWW

  4. Lovely piccy of your craftroom and workspace.Good luck with your kits fingers crossed for you.Have fab wednesday and a creative week ahead.
    hugs Judex 7

  5. I spy a Vagabond! Go girl! Love your workspace. Lots going here today. Good luck with the kits!

  6. You can surely say your craft room in full. :) Good luck with your kits!

  7. Your kits look intriguing! So nicely packed and labelled!

  8. Lovin your space... good luck with that meeting

  9. So much going on ...I love it

  10. Well done on the kits and I hope you got them all packed up in time. Great workspace.
    Sam x

  11. Hi there Bella, thanks for popping over! sorry running late! my "end of weeks" seems to be very busy would be better if on Monday or weekend for me.. not worry better late than your desk, makes me feel good!! mine is incredibly messy today going to have to tidy a little so can sort things out!. Happy belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x


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