
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

What's on your workdesk Wednesday? 113

Not much happening on my desk shown above today, so I am showing you the growing pile of stuff to the left of me in the photo below! Right in the corner is the "repair yard" of my sons stuff that either needs glue or a stitch or two...anything from trains to an Easter bunny to shirts and cars with wheels off...

Then the pile at a precarious angle is my "busy with" pile of new paper to be cut on my eCraft or alphabets I have already cut and bagged for a kit, oh and the box on top that I keep all my tags in for now that is supposed to be a recipe file...

Stopping the whole pile from cascading onto my workspace is a box filled with all my Tim Holtz goodies that I purchased and now am hoarding cos they are precious! How stupid is that? The problem is that they are expensive and hard to come by in South Africa and when they are in the shops they sell out fast, so not always there when you need them to replace them. Silly attitude I know, one I am working on...

Finally here is a serviette that I found in my local craft shop with these divine dress forms on and the bonus is that I thought it was only going to be 4 images and it is 6! Can't wait to bet playing with this and the bird tag sticking out is one my 6.5 year old son is busy with, I love the feathers he has added to the bird. I am lucky he is still at the age where it is cool to sit and craft with mom. Long may this last!

Lots of waffle from me today. Happy WOYWW everyone! Now go over to Julia's desk and desk hop all round the world as I am not the only crazy one to put my chaos out there for your perusal!


  1. I totally get it about hoarding your Tim Holtz stuff. I feel that way about my Graphics hard to get! Thanks for sharing your find and your desk this Wednesday -Amanda

  2. I hoard my Tim stuff too...... Love your desk.

  3. Thanks for sharing your space this week. I hope the coming week is full of blessings. I think most Tim fans hoard because it is sometimes very hard to get even here and still pretty pricey too.

  4. You better start using that Tim's stuff or it will go dry or go bad. :) Am I motivating enough? :)Love those dress forms.

  5. Wonderful designs on your artwork and i love your desk too!!
    Thanks for sharing

  6. There is nothing silly about hoarding your Timmy stuff in a special box. I do the same too. I have to buy 90% of my stuff online so it is "my precious". The box is special too as it contained my lovely little scrapbook my friend made me for my birthday with photos of our first dog which I never saw before!
    I love your suggestion of Magic Moments - Hubby put that song and a few others onto a cassette for me when we were courting and spelt Magic as Majick! I tease him about it all the time!!

  7. I love your workspace and those shelves behind! Wonderful way to have things close at hand!

  8. Those TH goodies are worth hoarding, because once they are gone they are hard to find because everyone else is hoarding. Looks like you have a lot of creative things about to happen on your desk. Kids learn quickly that mum can fix most things with a glue gun.

  9. I can understand the hoarding of TH stuff - it's taken me months to break into my Graphic45 stack for just the same reason. Elizabeth x #73

  10. thanks for the peeks. Your work area looks like it has lots of good goodies... Have a great day.

  11. Hi there Bella thanks for the offer of tan mat, found a cheap one from Clark Rubber hardware store works a real treat thanks to Lisa suggestion! and soo relate to your hoarding of Tim things as they are not here in shops only online.. and do exactly the same as you!! :D
    Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  12. I'm laughing because I purchase and store stuff too. I've been burned seeing things and wishing I'd bought it to find out later it isn't there anymore. So know I just buy it and it'll be there when I need it. I'm with ya on that! Happy WOYWW :D

  13. awesome looking desk. Very busy! I can relate to your hoarding the Tim Holtz stuff! There is a show here in the states called Hoarders and my daughter says I am rapidly reaching intervention status with my craft goodies. Sorry I am so late getting around but once again life has interfered with what I want to do! Thanks for sharing. Vickie


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