
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

What's on your workdesk Wednesday? 115

I can tell you that a lot has been on my desk since last Wednesday, and I can't believe that I have not managed a blog post for a whole week! Where did this week vanish to? I can also tell by some of your blog posts that I am not the only one feeling a bit like we are on the slippery slope down to Christmas!

The picture above is of a little perfume bottle mannequin that I found in a cheap shop when I should have been looking at stuff I really needed...but could not resist buying her (well three of them really - if I am honest) to re-decorate. I stripped off the fabric and plastered her with old book pieces, now I am toying with wings and what skirt she should have etc. She is definitely a work in progress! I think that serviette started me off on this whole mannequin thing, now I am addicted, I can see a Tim Holtz Sizzix die in my future...

Now, Do you think the bottom wings should be out or in? I can't decide...

I have been very busy re-organizing parts of my desk to make my crafting life a bit easier, so I took all my ribbons off their reals or out of their packaging and cut strips of cereal boxes to the height and length of my cubby drawer and wrapped the ribbons round them in colour combinations, now it is so much easier to see and use my ribbon and very much easier to access without a birds nest occurring each time I dig in that drawer.

Well, folks, that is me for this week, hopefully she will be finished soon and I can maybe add her to the Simon Says show some Bling and the Grungy Monday Distress Stickles Party, some time later this week.

Now go on over to Julia's Desk to join the rest of the world in the great desk hop and snoop!

For those of you who participate, have a wonderful WOYWW!


  1. She looks just fab - what a find...loving the colours of your trimmings!
    Thanks for sharing today,
    Sarah (at 2)

  2. Wow, I can see why you had to buy them - great work!! Wings out, I think.

  3. Your mannequin looks beautiful. Love the papers on her body. I think the wings in. Good storage for your ribbons. Thanks for sharing. Bye, Franka

  4. Wings in for me!! Love, love, love your ribbon storage. So simple yet you can see it all at a glance, brilliant :D xx

  5. How cool! I think wings down! You are so creative...I have never seen little manaquins like this. What a real find! Thanks for sharing WOYWW-Amanda

  6. That's a good ribbon storage system (and a lot of lovely ribbons) - what a transformation of the perfume bottle - Hazel WOYWW #65 x

  7. I like the wings in BUT I think you should decide on the skirt bit first because if it's all puffy and flouncy the "in" wings will be covered up! I'd do the wings last. Great ribbon storage though, especially by colour group.

    Brenda 80

  8. Great find..I'd have snapped them up too - I resisted buying the die a week a go; and have kicked myself since!!

  9. What an awesome find. I love the wings in I think it will be easier when you display it near something too. Love the colorful display of ribbons. Nice idea to store them like that. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  10. Love the little lady you found! She looks better after you had her, I am afraid I am of no help, the wings look great either way!
    Those ribbons look good enough to eat!
    Happy WOYWW

  11. Love you lady - a great find indeed, but what really caught my eye was your ribbon stash - lots of lovely colours there. Elizabeth x #70


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