
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

What's on your workdesk Wednesday? 119

Wednesday is now my benchmark day! The rest of the week seems to disappear in a blur and I find myself back on Wednesday again!

Well I have handed over all the canvasses and the tags with their instructions, so that is done and dusted which was quite fun and I am almost sorry it is over for now. But my next thing is to work on samples for a demo I am doing on the 24 September at a local shop which is very exciting.

In the mean time, I am playing catch up on years of ignoring Christmas! I went through my scrapbook files the other day and found 3 years of Christmas photos and stash that I have collected and done nothing with. It is for this reason that you might be forgiven for looking at my photo today and thinking you have done a time warp and lost 3 months and landed in December! Here I am about to stamp the title with a sheet music stamp and the the plain green background with my favorite Tim Holtz flourish. Where to from there is anybody's guess, but I am sure more inspiration will hit shortly... Hopefully it will jump out at me from this pile of stash which sits to the left of the photo above!

Thanks for looking at my desk today, If you haven't found me by coming from Stamping Ground, then I suggest you pop on over to Julia's desk where she valiantly hosts the worlds biggest desk snoop.

PS: I still don't have my car back as it invented a steering lock sensor problem on the day the clutch was fixed and the part should have arrived yesterday....hold thumbs please as I am a bit tired of this scheduling thing to get the family here there and everywhere using friends, family and neighbors! Not to mention the cost! I can see me car hunting in the near future...

Now I am off to peruse your desk!



  1. All done - and onto the next - such is life. It's good to sort and scrap those photos now before the next lot of festive snaps arrive. Nice pile of goodies there...
    Thanks for sharing your desk today. Sarah at 2

  2. Oh wow very creative things on your desk.
    Happy WOYWW.

  3. 3 years catching up? hmm, I think it's time you let it go. :)) Good luck to you on all the projects and the upcoming demo. :)

  4. Good luck with the scrapping - 3 years: a drop in the ocean, I've got 37 years to start - hey ho!! Your things look very interesting and I'm sure will provide you with the incentive to do your layouts. Thanks for sharing xx

  5. Good on you for trying to catch up, I am sure you will be very happy when all done.

  6. When I first saw 'Trim Trees', I thought you had a serious hedge problem, until I saw the LO on the right and all was revealed!! xx

  7. Happy WOYWW ...great desk and lots of creativity but I'm closing my eyes and mind to Ch*****as until November at the earliest!
    Love JoZarty x

  8. I make a point of avoiding Xmas cards/scrapping but this year I really must do it, especially now I've got kids. Looking forward to seeing the finished LO. Have a happy Wednesday! Mel #51

  9. You've got some nice Christmas stash there. I too am guilty of ignoring Christmas, I guess because it's always there...I don't know. Well done you for getting to it. I need new stash to get me going. Oh yes I do!

  10. bummer that the car is still in the shop. LOL about Christmas. I have Christmas Eve pagent pics that are still sitting on my desk 9 months later...unscrapped. At least you are making progress! Happy WOYWW -Amanda

  11. No need to apologise to me for having Christmas stuff on your desk. I can do Christmas any time of the year!
    Sorry to hear about your Jalopy!
    Glad you like my quilt. Thinking of doing a Christmas one now but not this year!!

  12. Love it! That's a desk after my own heart, looks like Christmas has well and truly arrived, judging by the weather here this morning I think it certainly has as it's 4C! Hope you get the car back soon.

    Brenda 88

  13. Just a quick visit this week due to illness but hope to do better next week ... thanks for sharing your desk - look forward to seeing your Christmas layouts. Sorry to hear that your car situation is no better. I hope you have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #121

  14. Sorry I am so late getting by this week but I wanted to pop by and visit your blog to say hello and to see what you are up to! Didn't have the time to post(except about newest Doswell addition) or craft the past two weeks due to being in Virginia visiting with the son's family to see the newest granddaughter born. Definitely a fun time none the less. Hope you have a great week. Vickie aka okienurse

  15. Love the collection of bits on ur desk . Hope you get ur car back soon hugs Pam x

  16. mm, so the car saga continues it when things start to go wrong they go wrong... not to it all improves very soon, happy sorting and getting through Christmas things - i am starting to make cards cos it seems more likely will be kinda organised that way!! Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x


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