
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Whats on my Workdesk Wednesday

Yes it is the speediest day of the week!  Seems to come round faster than all the others...

So what s on my Workdesk?  Until I came home from teaching my latest class at The Scrapbook in Claremont this afternoon, there was nothing to photograph!  Yes, it was spotless!

Here it is now however after dumping everything on it and about to put it away.  I must just brag a tiny bit and say that it is all gone now as I write this, so back to boring clutterless desk!  The vagabond box is my way of carting all my stash, to and from the places where I teach.  Somehow when I go it all fits so beautifully but on returning it is bulging as you can see and needs the belt to hold it all in!

On a personal note, I am oh so ready for this heat wave to cool down a bit so that I can think and create!  I have drunk no less than 4 of those cycling bottles full of water that you can see lurking in the background today alone.  It was still 31 degrees Centigrade at 5:30pm.

We have had the most ridiculous  HIGH temperatures combined with humidity which is killing me.  I don't really mind the heat, but dripping like a melting ice cream is not comfortable or a pretty sight! Cant think straight...will have to wait for it to cool so I can go desk hopping over at Julias place called Stamping Ground.  Do join in, it is such fun to see what all us creative types get up to on a regular basis.


  1. A lovely creative space and a great idea to use the Vagabond box for carrying all your stash about :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #86

  2. I would like a bit of your heat, please. Oh, but not the humidity, thank you very much!

    Good for you, putting things back in their place right away!

    Happy WOYWW

  3. Hi there, just a flying visit this morning, trying to get round to as many desks as I can before work starts! Thanks for sharing your creative space. I don't envy you the heat, people always ask me if I miss it and don't believe me when I say no, but it's true, I actually work much better when it is cooler too!
    I hope the rest of your week goes well for you.

  4. I do sympathise we are in about 27 degrees and high humidity. I see everyones pics of snow and I just want to jump in and cool down. I can see a very pretty tag peeking out on your desk.

  5. d, heat wave, bottles of water..yep, really the other side of the world ! Glad your class went well and hmmm, treat that box with care, it's a lovely way to pack but oooooh it definitely has over fill potential audit would be horrid if it collapsed!

  6. I like the suitcase on your desk!

    Happy WOYWW (on Monday!)
    Katie #16

  7. Just managing to make it round to a few more desks before the fun starts all over again tomorrow, I didn't realise how long it takes to leave everyone comments rather then just peeking at their desks, oh would love to see a bit of sunshine but not keen or too much heat although its dark and damp and miserable here this morning in my part of the UK so think i could put up with the heat for a nice bright morning, Hope it is cooler now so you can craft! Hope you have a great day Lou #94


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