
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines is one of those commercial days that you either love or hate...!

I have always made the effort over the past 15 years with either a home made card, gift or chocs and after all those years of training my hubby, he has cottoned onto this idea.  I don't want expensive flowers (lets face it every red flower doubles in price at this time of the year) or dinners at a restaurant.  For me it is the making of the card, gift or writing of a note.  Just something to say that you are worth spending the time on!

Last night my hubby came home with 2 bunches of flowers and this morning my son gave me a heart made into a little man with wiggly arms and legs that they had worked on together.  I made my hubby a card and he got breakfast in bed which he chose to eat at the dining room table, but hey, bacon and eggs on a week day is a real treat in this house!

So far I have had a wonderful day.  To me this is what it is all about.

What do you do?  If anything...


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