
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

WOYWW 160 ATCs and marblepaper

Hello there fellow desk hoppers from Stamping Ground. I am so very late today, in fact it is 8pm here in South Africa as I write this, I usually do my WOYWW upload 12 hours ago, but this morning I was at the Doc with a nasty sore throat...the pharmacy, then off to teach my class and home to bed.  I slept so much this afternoon that I hope I sleep tonight...the pretty pink rub ons a get well gift from my hubby that he brought home with dinner tonight.  So thoughtful... flowers that will last!

Another angle below so you can see the glitter in the H2Os and the depth and textures on each one,.

Well, FINALLY I can put up a photo of all the ATCs I got for the 156 swap.  My Pass it forward friend Gabrielle had to send me another one as the first one has gone AWOL in the mail.  I was really hoping it would turn up eventually, but alas, no luck as of yet.  Luckily she made more than one so could re-send.

My actual desk tonight is covered in the left overs of a creative afternoon I had with the kids (my son and his friend from round the corner)  yesterday during a rainy day in the School Holls.  I have seen the results on line of Marbled paper done with Shaving foam and decided to give it a go.  Here are a few tags and some sticky backed canvas I have made with the process.  It really was lots of fun and I can't wait to create something with these backgrounds...truth be told I really wanted to do it myself so I got the kids involved as a way to keep them busy too!

Also on my desk are the Color wash sprays, Tim dies, buttons and glitter foam that must get packed for a Holiday workshop (picture below) I am running at the Scrapbook Factory shop this Friday morning.

Thanks for the visit.

Bella (Belinda Basson)


  1. I've just shown your post to my husband & said i've found a use for your shaving foam,,,, He did'nt look that inpressed by me saying i'm going to try this.
    Thank you so much for sharing & the children must have had a great time
    Happy crafting Jill #73

    1. You have to use a scraper to take the excess foam off the paper once you remove it from the tub. We reused this a few times by just adding it back to the tub, re-spraying and swirling and printing. You can get a few prints from one spray and swirl, so keep the scrapings to one side till you are going to re-start. we got a good 20 to 30 prints from just one batch of foam!

  2. OOOOhh I want one of those.... a husband that buys craft stash. Must be a rare animal that, ytreasure him.
    anyway lots of crafty stuff going on there, kids are usefull sometimes aren't they, looks like you all had fun
    janet #11

  3. Yes I was just thinking where do you get a hubby that buys you stash unprompted ! Mine rarely moans that I buy too much (well I do !!) but wouldn't choose stuff for me - do you loan yours out !!!! Love the marbling - have seen this on a video tutorial but never tried it - it looks great fun (if very messy !!) - glad the kids gave you an excuse to play !!! Have a fun crafty week ! Ali #66

  4. Whoops ! That should have been Ali at #62 not 66 !

  5. I'm discovering pink too at the ripe old age of 50 and 3/4!! I hated it as a child, was a real tomboy, climbing trees, riding horses and bikes, always in (torn) trousers!! But now a little pink is a satisfying thing to work with, lol!!
    Hope you feel better soon...
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  6. Hello to you namesake,

    Okay you need to tell me where to find the instructions for the shaving foam. I could definately use that one with boys.

    Your husband sounds great. I agree with the others, he sounds pretty dreamy to spontaneously purchase you some craft goodies. Like him already.

    I hope the weather has improved. We have had a few tropical days with heavy rain and thunderstorms. Today is the first nice one.

    Thanks for stopping by my desk. I wish you a good night and will catch up with you next week.

    Belinda (110)

  7. wow Bella, looks like everyone is having fun. The result is fabulous.

  8. How fun that looks! I would be sooo happy if my hubby bought me craft supplies :)

    Katie (155)

  9. You all look as if you are having fun. It gives great backgrounds, the shaving foam, and you will be able to use them for lots of projects. I did it once a long time back but at the time didn't have many reinker so was limited for colours.
    Have a crafty week if you get any time now that the children are on hols.
    X Julie #114

  10. Hi there Bella ah as am late too hope that you are going along a lot better now. I love the atc's and the marbling pickies! Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #50

  11. I want to play!!! How do you do marbling with shaving foam? Wonder if Simon will miss it?
    Sorry to hear you have not been well. Sending a hug xx

  12. Oooh Bella what a gorgeous creative post this week! I'd love to know how you do marbling with shaving foam - that's a new one on me. You have created some stunning backgrounds there, and I bet the kids absolutely adored doing it! Love the ATCs too.

    Thanks for your lovely comment - I am feeling a lot better today, thank you - after a week of enforced rest. I had such fun at the craft show and all that work and preparation etc. was well worth the effect it had on me! I wasn't too depressed at such small sales really - it could have been worse, and it was a fun day.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  13. Very cool! My kids and I did that shaving cream dye trick this year, and had a lot of messy fun! We lived in Muizenberg for a little while...I totally miss Cape Town, especially the August Whales. Following your S.A. adventures now. :)

    Annie #138


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