
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Whats on my workdesk Wednesday 164? ATCs

A few weeks back it was the 3rd blogaversary of WOYWW and Julia organised an ATC swap.  Now some of us did extras and so there were more than just one per person flying around the world.  I have finally got my A into G and posted out the last 4 as somehow the weeks have evaporated and getting to the post office seemed to be the most elusive task on my list of things to do...
So on my desk today is the usual clutter round my pink mat (I try and keep it clear between projects...) and my ATC file.  I have used one of the rugby card collection files that the kids are all mad about here in SA at the moment and taken out all the the rugby covers etc and put in my own.  It is the perfect thing because the rugby cards made for it are the same size as an ATC.  I have seen a similar file for soccer cards too for those of you looking for one in countries that don't play rugby...

Thats me for this week folks, now I will head over to Julia's place to see what I can see on your desk today (or maybe tomorrow - time is not my friend at the moment)



  1. Hi Belinda Gorgeous ATCs. Your desk looks ready for some crafty action! I love how you have everything to hand. Those cubby holes are great. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 39

  2. Gorgeous ATC's, and so is your desk; really well organised. Helen 6

  3. Looks like a really well organised space/ much to look at. The ATC's are awesome. If you'd like to do a swap at any time just give me a holler yeah?
    Cheers from Elaine #10

  4. Ah yes, my ATCs are stored in the same thing...bought a handful of them in a charoty shop filled with Pokemon cards! For me B, it's not so much what's on your desk as what's on your shelves - what a great view!

  5. Brillant ATC's... love the storage for your desk!! Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#11

  6. Lovely atc's , how lovely your craft area is with all those goodies right at hand. jill#32

  7. fab craft desk and super atcs to treasure :)
    happy woyww
    kay #35

  8. Now that's a clever way to store the ATCs - mine are just propped up any old how at the moment... You've got a fab crafting space!!
    Hugs, LLJ #27 xx

  9. Hello Bella!

    I use the same thing here to store my ATCs in. They are card baseball trading card. Same thing, different sport. I have seen some people make clever cases to hold there ATCs but have never attempted to make one.

    Can't wait to see what you create next because that clean desk of yours is asking for some action!

    Take care,

  10. Fantastic ATC's. You desk looks lovely and neat too. x

  11. Where a fabulous idea for storing all those amazing ATCs :)
    Mary Jo #96

  12. Great storage for the ATC's. We call them baseball sleeves in Canada! i use them to store my mini stamps.
    Thanks fo rhte hint re the photos. I just have to find a better way.

    I have lots of overhead light. Seemed like a good idea when we finished the room...but it is hell to take pictures. If I stand overhead and take them on the rug, I get shadow from my body...
    Do you have any tips to avoid the shadow?
    Thanks so much for the advice so far!!!

  13. I would love to snoop through your supplies in person....#102

  14. great ATC's didn't we all do well, so much fabulous art work. I'm next after DArla to peep through your drawers
    janet #18

  15. Great tip on storage for those with lots of ATCs!! Have a great week! Darnell #116

  16. What a busy desk and organised storage Bella...fantastic ATC's too ;D
    I love your header photo of Table Mountain. It looks like you took it from the shore of Robbin I right?
    Thanks for visiting me earlier...Happy WOYWW ~ Neesie #20

  17. I love your desk, Bella, with those gorgeous shelves, and it all looks so busy and productive! A great set of ATCs you've got, and it's very nice to see mine in their midst! I still can't get over the fact that my art has travelled round the globe... I've got storage for ATCs like that, too - I bought 5 and they were specially for ATCs, from one of the craft sites, I think.

    Once I get my final ATCs in, I shall be doing a blog post about them. I've had so many absolutely gorgeous ones!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #51

  18. Ah well this is last weeks post but just letting you know your atc arrived and just today and so made it onto today's post after all!
    I love it thanks so very much adore the TH elephant every blessing and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x.
    #43 this week not last week! ie 1.8.12


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