
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Exciting News! CC101 Chemists University!

Well, I can finally let the proverbial cat out the bag!  For those of you wondering why I have been so quite lately it is because I have been on a You Tube learning curve of NOTE!  Thanks so much to Sylvia who held my hand and saw my video through all the teething trouble and onto the net.

You see there is a special group on FB for those of us who have gradated from CC101...(email me if you are a graduate and don't belong to this group) approved by Tim himself!

I volunteered in July to do a live stream of one of my favourite techniques and then it was decided that the five of us who volunteered would each do a You Tube video.  Good thing too 'cos I have been down with the flu again and had no voice to speak of on Friday so a live stream would not have worked at all!

We now have a CC101 home blog too and you can view all the videos there.  So far there are 4 that have been uploaded.

This has been such a privilege to be part of and I hope to be able to do another video to add to the ones already made, and if you are a graduate and would like to do a video, you can contact Sylvia on the FB group.  If I can do it, you surely can too!


1 comment:

  1. Yeay! Well done Bella. Will be over to see ya just as soon as I finish catching up on blogs!


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