
Sunday, 12 August 2012

Our Fishing Adventure for CSI

I told you I was addicted to CSI!  Here is what I did with the left overs of the print outs from yesterdays layout.  I added some Karen Foster images of the postage stamps which I scanned off her sticker sheet and enlarged.  The silhouette and title are from the lazer cut company Celebra8, which I painted with paint dabbers.

The little fish is done on shrink plastic, you can see the original image stamped below him on the blue paper.  The little compass is also done with Ranger's shrink plastic.  I LOVE this stuff.

I have not been quite as productive as I hoped today, but one finished layout is more than nothing I guess.

Thanks for the visit.



  1. Fabulous layout there Bella! Have you dressed yet? I hope you didn't get ink on your PJ's! With all the details on this layout I am not surprised you only managed to complete one layout.

  2. Hi Bella,

    What a great page. Although I'm not a scrapbooker I am always so blown away by what you do. I love all the photos in different sizes. I think that just adds to it.


  3. cool layout the pics!


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