
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What's on my Workdesk Wednesday 165? Melt Art!

I tried to take a panoramic view of my desk last week...the stitching is a bit dodge, but here is my whole space end to end...

I recently acquired this little black beauty and have been trying to replicate the rather large and beautiful key I purchased at a second hand store.  I finally got hold of some Ranger moulding putty and have managed to make my first set of keys.  The little jalopy cars and butterflies are from chocolate moulds and the rest from the silicone variety.  All the gold items on my desk featured here are the sum total of an entire pot of UTEE.
I am rather excited about this new toy as it means I can make as many items necessary for a class depending on quantities of students, it has always been a nightmare to kit up not knowing how many peeps you are going to have... 5 or 25?  I don't want to be out laying cash for stock if  I am going to be left with it afterwards...or if you get 25 peeps, not having enough stock available to purchase at the last minute...those of you who teach will know this dilemma well.

So now I am off to see what I can see on your desk, courtesy of Julia over at Stamping Ground who religiously hosts this world wide desk hop and snoop every Wednesday.

Thanks for the visit.



  1. Oh wow!Love the panoramic view! The UTEE moulds are fascinating. I have the pot but have never made moulds... mmm... maybe it's easier than I feared! As always you are inspirational!

  2. Great post, Bella - first of all I love your panoramic photo - very original idea, and it gives a good impression of the size of your creative space and how organised you are!

    The mould making is great fun isn't it. I haven't tried it with UTEE yet, but have had great success with Friendly Plastic pellets which you melt in hot water in a skillet. You can get generic pellets a lot cheaper than actual "Friendly Plastic" brand - on Ebay.

    Also, if you are going to be doing any quantity of this, it's worth getting hold of some EasiMold instead of the Ranger stuff, as the latter is very expensive for the small quantity you get. I tried to source some really cheap silicone putty but most of the companies only do the pouring stuff which doesn't work for taking impressions by pressing things into it.

    I love your keys - it's amazing how realistic we can get things these days, isn't it. I've done small keys, and lots of gear wheels and other bits and pieces, and it's incredible the detail the moulding putty will pick up.

    More people should do this as it's such fun! Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for your lovely comment, and I'm glad you like my projects. Nice to meet another one who makes nice things from their kitchen paper rather than throwing it away lol!!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #7

  3. Goodness, I would have thought those keys were real metal!! They're ever so effective and I can really appreciate the economics of it all as well. Are they easy to make, do they ever stick in the mould like sponge cakes?? Lol
    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I've had a very nice day indeed :D
    Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

  4. Very cool keys!! presumably you added Flex to them tho? they'd be a bit brittle otherwise being that skinny!!! Trish #10

  5. They look great! What a wonderful new toy!

  6. Great view, and I love the keys! Helen, 24

  7. Loved the panorama view of your desk.
    The mold pot looks interesting and sounds perfect for your uses.

  8. Ooer, teaching classes sounds a bit stressful to me, lol, glad you enjoy it though! Well done for making all those keys and bits; I've been meaning to buy some moulding stuff for ages now.
    Helen S #73

  9. Hi there Bella, wow what fun you are having here. Stunning idea to make your own things like that!Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #43


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