
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Whats on My Workdesk Wednesday 182? Birthday stuff and a blank canvas!

 I have been a tad busy lately and even nearly missed a post for today, but here it is...

There is a  bag full of Birthday cards from friends to whom I have been writing thank you notes and a 12"x 12"still blank canvas which is a sample I must make for the school holiday program I am running at my store. in the second week of December

Then there is a pile of Christmas cards I have made for sale or personal use, depending on how many are left...hoping to sell them...and not have too many left for personal use!

So that's me, now I am off to see who else has put their desk up for scrutiny over at Julia's place called Stamping Ground.



  1. Hi Bella Hope you get a chance to make that canvas - seems everyone is busy this week. It is the start of the silly season I few!! I didn't get much checked off my to do list today - so rolling it on to tomorrow!!! Happy WOYWWW to you from Helen 37

  2. Nice neat desk. That is two awesome piles of cards on it too! I love getting handmade birthday cards or making them. Have fun playing with your canvas! I just bought 5 more at the Local Michael's 5-12x12 for $9.99...I had a coupon! ;-) BUT I love canvases almost as much as buttons now! Thanks for stopping by my desk and sharing! I hope you have a great week. Vickie #3

  3. Just calling by to see how you are Bella. Nice piles of goodies on your desk there. Now put some paint or grunge on that canvas it is naked!!
    P.S Sorry I did not make the birthday bash....tricky getting flights at such short notice! xx

  4. Bella a belated Happy Birthday to you I hope that you enjoyed your High Tea!!!Looking Forward to seeing how your canvas turns out.xx

  5. Be careful for what you wish for! As I sold most of mine, now I'm scrambling to make them for me! Be sure to show off the canvas, I have a few blanks that need inspiraiton, and I promise to show the dove card once its done.

  6. hi bella belated happy birthday. Selling cards can be scarey.... if you sell too many you either have to make more or buy them and that would never do.
    What is going on the canvas? I have done a couple and intend to make more... when I get time
    janet #26

  7. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with that canvas!


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