
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Seasons Greetings WOYWW 186?

I wanted to say Happy Christmas...but it is after the event, so Seasons Greetings it is!

We had a fabulous family time and hope that you have enjoyed your Christmas too.

It is a scorcher today with no wind to cool things down, it was 27 degrees out there at 9am this morning!

My desk is a not very interesting mess so I am showing you the centre piece from yesterdays Christmas lunch on the farm.

Off to see what I can find on your desk at Julia's place...I should be doing loads of washing, in fact I should be hanging the next one went beep...but it is nice and cool inside and this is more interesting!



  1. Gosh cant imagine what its like to have a 27degree Christmas! although weather is quite nice again here in England - bit chilly but nice. Hope you have a lovely New Year too. Sunshine Girl no.13

  2. Could do with some heat here in the UK. The sun is trying its best to shine through the clouds... Thanks for visiting today and have a happy New Year BJ#15

  3. I just can't imagine Christmas with hot weather - it just seems odd! Your table centre piece looks gorgeous. Happy Boxing Day and Happy Wednesday, too.:o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@34)

  4. Love your table decoration - it's fabulous! Also find it hard to imagine a baking Christmas, but quite like the idea of sunshine!! And we celebrate, very precisely, the 12 Days in our house, so very happy with the Season's Greetings all the way to 6th January! The same to you...
    Alison xx

  5. Your table decorate is absolutely gorgeous. And I think that what with it being Boxing Day and incredibly hot, you should put your feet up and relax. Doing the washing is letting us all down!

    Rachel, #26

  6. Lol, my washing is draped everywhere as it is pouring outside! The table centre is lovely, thank you for sharing it.
    Sending best wishes for an amazing 2013n
    LLJ 16 xx

  7. Wish we had some warm weather over here to dry things out a bit! It is a soggy mess outside! My poor chooks are very soggy!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  8. I have a load in the machine ready to be hung out as well - I keep thinking I'll visit one more person then go and do it but..........
    Could do with it being a bit warmer (and drier) over here but perhaps not as hot as where you are!!
    Season's greetings
    Happy WOYWW

  9. I cannot imagine what it is like to have Christmas so hot outside.. do you eat a big meal like we do in the uk... turkey, pigs in blankets, stuffing, lots of veggies etc and lots of other stuff. But I think it would be fun to find out as it is so miserable here
    happy crafting in 2013

  10. Wow, bet the washing dries so looking forward to some warm dry weather! Love the table picture, it looks festive and appealing, bet you had a marvellous time seated around it.

  11. Great pics of the center piece. A small WOYWW group, hoping to make all the rounds this week.
    Krisha #48

  12. Lovely centrepiece. Now to check where you live, I am shortly visiting CA but believe it is not much warmer than here and I am cold.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  13. Hope you are having Happy Holidays and enjoying the season. Thanks for dropping by my desk! I spent the day at my DD and SIL! It was a fun time had by all but no little ones to play with or watch open packages. Enjoy the babies they grow so fast! Have a great week! Vickie #4

  14. Hi Bella seasons greetings to you too....saw your pics on facebook...keep well and keep from Athens

  15. Ah yes shirt-sleeves weather here in central Florida USA for Christmas! It was beauteous weather! Not sure what 27C is but I like the heat provided I'm not working it. LOL !aybe I should move way south?! Love the center piece! Happy New Year! Nan 44

  16. We had a great 'Somerkersfees' over here too. Very relaxing. Love the centre piece.
    Happy WOYWW and may the New Year bring you lots of happiness, good health and blessings (and maybe a trip to Joburg so we can finally meet)
    Tertia #6

  17. It does seem odd to have a hot Christmas, but it has to be hot somewhere, doesn't it?! Your centerpiece is magnificent!

    Wishing you all the best in the new year! Darnell #53

  18. Hi there your decoration is fab. We celebrate until 6th Jan so yr greetings arein plenty of time. Happy Christmas to you and all good wishes for the new year. Anne x @54

  19. Aaaah, I remember warm/hot South African Christmas days well, I loved them!! OK, I did learn very quickly that a normal roast lunch is not a good thing and that sitting outside with a braai is much better!!
    You asked if my trip to Australia was for long or not, it will be for 2 or 3 years... and warm Christmases again!! Annette #19

  20. That sounds like a scorcher of a day to have on Christmas we had a pleasant 25 degrees and lovely day. Australia..

    I love your table all decked out for the festivities, especially the silver gum. that is what it is right?

    Belated Christmas Greetings and Happy New Year

    Eliza #63

  21. sorry im so late and thanks for visiting it s been a busy week.I love the table decs I cant imagine being hot at christmas outdoors !!..sounds fab except the washing ...the mundane chores of life go on !.... all the best for the new year
    Andrea x#20

  22. I'm late, very late, but I just wanted to pop in and wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I wish I could say it was that hot here but it is in fact freezing cold - perfect crafting weather :) Elizabeth x #30


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