
Thursday, 14 February 2013

Hardware store findings

After my WOYWW post yesterday I realised that a few of you had never seen the tile spacers before and so I thought I would show you what they look like here in Sunny South Africa!  Not sure how they look in your part of the world.

They come in a packet all joined together in sheets.  Then you cut them apart into the X's which you are supposed to stick between the tiles end on when you are gluing them onto the wall so that you have even spacing round each tile for the grout.

Now when I saw them they looked more like a lovely texture I could use on my canvasses and cards if I painted them or glued tissue paper over them...

Here you see a row of them as kisses on my Valentines canvas!  Making sense now?

I also added the key hole cover and the plasterboard tape into the photo which was called "good luck tape" so you could see all of my hardware store finds that I used on my canvas.

And for Julia, here is my dress.  Yes I am 6ft tall so it is a bit like "a long drink of water" as my Mom puts it, but I love it as it is so nice and cool in the heat of summer!

Have a fabulous Valentines day!


1 comment:

  1. Ah! Yes! Tile spacers (which look the same in Blighty!) are a clever thing to use! I will rummage in the garage if it ever stops raining and see if I can find a few of ours! Fab tip!


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