
Monday, 29 April 2013

Google + rant!

Hi there

I tried the Google + route and have done so for about 6 weeks or longer now, trying to get used to it and what it does and how it works.  Well in my opinion it is not great.  Peeps can't find your blog if they click on your name once you have commented on their blog and last night I changed my comment system to Google + only to get a message on my bbm (Blackberry messaging service for those of you who don't have one...) from a friend to say she can't comment cos she is not on Google +!  How useless is that?  They are trying to force you to become a Google+ member...

I have now gone back to basic Blogger and have had to reload all my details, now I see the comment section does not seem to work at all, so please bear with me as I try and make things right.  Please try and comment on this post to see if it is working...

In my Opinion, Google should stick to being a search engine and service provider  not to try and become the next Face Book or Twitter phenomenon!

I see it still has the Google+ commenting thing on, even though I have DELETED my Google+ profile...Oh well, might have to create a whole new blog or something.  But whatever you do, don't move over to the dark side!

I see there is 1 comment, though when I click on it, it does not show up!  I am now so frustrated!  Why can't I see my own comments. If you can help then please email me as commenting wont work cos I can't see it!


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Its always lovely to hear from you , so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Please excuse word varification, I've been getting lots of spam comments.