
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Flat Susan goes to Kirstenbosch.

Today I took Flat Susan (a small lady on a tour of the world in a suitcase the size of a matchbox in an read more on her her name)  on an outing to Kirstenbosch, one of our National Botanical Gardens.  The kids love it here no matter what the season, so while I was entertaining Flat Susan and showing her our beautiful flowers and the giant statues that adorn the place, the boys went off to catch tadpoles in the mountain water streams.
Yes, this is Winter in Cape Town!  Chilly, but beautiful!

The top photo is FS (for short) with me at the entrance with one of the Dylan Lewis sculptures with the gardens behind me and the photo below shows the famous "Castle Rock"  through another one of Dylan Lewises sculptures.
 FS was finding the flowers just the right size for her to really enjoy.  Here she is on one of our early spring daisies that come up like carpets in September and make the landscape look like it is covered in snow!

Above FS poses on the shoulder of one of the Mambo Sculptures which is a permanent but ever changing exhibition of African sculptures 
Above: This is locally known as the Bird of Paradise flower or Stralitzia. 
This is a "bath" (though no one can use it) up in the Dell which is the start of a pure, clear, clean, drinkable natural spring and flows down the hill into a pond.  The technical explanation is in the photo below.
 Below is a beautiful Yellow Wood tree with the most amazing trunk.  FS is in the hollow about half way up, to the left of the name tag... hard to spot, but she is there...
 Below is a display showing all the flowers in bloom currently in the garden, though being winter these are few and far between...I did not see many of these on our travels from stream to stream to hunt for taddies...
So that was FS's first outing with me, on Friday she goes to Table View to get a look at our famous Table Mountain across the sea, and maybe even Robben Island where Mandela was incarcerated.  All of this is weather depending of course!

Thanks for the visit.



  1. Hi Bella
    What fun you are having giving FS a tour of cape Town !! Gave me a great big smile !! Amazing that you are having chilly Winter weather - and we are melting at 30oC ! What a reverse of when I was with you in January ! Take care hugs Ali xx

  2. Ooo isn't Flat Susan having a wonderful tour of South Africa? Lucky girl.

  3. Hi Bella, it looks as though Flat Susan is having a whale of a time over in South Africa ... what fun to sit in a Bird of Paradise flower. After Scotland, she will be quite used to some chilly weather ... it's hot here in Ayr now but wasn't so hot up in the Highlands when we were there - and it rained some of the time too ... so she's quite weather-proof :) Elizabeth xx

  4. Hi Bella,

    Wow, you really know how to treat your guest! I'm sure FS loves seeing South Africa - I know I have. The tree is just beautiful; and yes, I think I spotted FS!

    I hope the boys caught their limit on tadpoles!


  5. hahahahahaha so much fun. I was there when I went to CT and you are right even in winter it is still so pretty.

  6. Such a cool place! Love the flowers and your pics are fab!


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