
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Flat Susan Has arrived in Cape Town, South Africa

Flat Susan arrived this morning on my desk in Cape Town, South Africa, in her perfectly crafted suitcase, together with passport and first aid kit (for emergencies you know...)
As you can see she was exhausted from her journey from Scotland and was resting in her "bed".  I have however made her a chair for my desk, which I have placed on a "pedestal" with her name on so she is easy to spot for Wednesdays post of WOYWW and so she has a good view of the goings on on my desk which has a serious case of "shove out the way" clean up status below!
As a good host, I will be taking her out and about in my city to show her around some of the most beautiful vistas in the world (that's my opinion any way)  I leave you to be the judge of that later!

Please join me over the next week to see what Flat Susan gets up to...

She does have her own blog which you can follow here or by clicking on the button at the top of my page.


1 comment:

  1. That chair is awesome! Love it! Thank you so much for making her somewhere to sit comfortably. (She does not sit very elegantly does she LOL - must be stretching her legs after being cramped in her case).
    Really looking forward to seeing her visiting your home.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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