
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Flat Susan

Tried to make this photo more to scale...
I have been hosting Flat Susan for the past week and what a pleasant guest she has been!  I have tried to show her the more interesting parts of my city in my previous posts and thought I would leave you with a map of Africa so you could picture where she has been.
Cape Town is right at the southern most tip of Africa at the join between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.  So depending on the weather, you can quite literally go to one side of our city or the other for warmer or cooler sea to swim in and believe me, there is quite a temperature difference!

Bang in the middle (well not quite, but it does divide the CBD from the rest) of our city is a great big rock known as Table Mountain, because from its front side it looks completely flat.  This I can tell you is an optical illusion as I have climbed this mountain and walked along its is by no means flat!  Here is a view of the city taken from above of Robben Island where
Madiba (Mr Mandela who is currently not well and about to celebrate his 95th Birthday on Thursday) was incarcerated for many years!
Below is a photo of Cape Point.  I have been here in a helicopter and it is truly magnificent, but my photo was not as clear as this one.
On the left is the Atlantic (cold) Ocean and the right the Indian (warm) Ocean and this is Cape Point.   Not quite the most Southern tip of Africa, that is Cape Agulhas a 2 hour drive from here where they claim the sea changes, but my toes tell me a different story!   If you look at the top right hand mountain in the far distance, that is the "back" of Table Mountain and where Flat Susan has been residing.

She is getting ready to wing her way back to Neet who will send her on to her next hostess.

She will however, still be on my desk for Tomorrow's What's On My Workdesk Wednesday, but after that it is off to the post office without delay!

Thanks for the visit



  1. Hi Bella
    Brilliant post !
    The scenery is as dramatic as I remembered - so beautiful its making me nostalgic for my week out there with you ! Maybe I could squeeze into a match box & post myself to you ?!
    Hugs Ali x

  2. Fab pics, Bella! Makes me want to come visit. :) Looks like FS had a wonderful time with you. Hugs

  3. Looks as though Flat Susan has had an amazing visit. You have posted some really remarkable photos. The Gardens you took her to were beautiful. I'm sure you'll be sad to see her go. I'm not sure when I wil get her. I'm sure I'll be at the end of the list while she is touring the US. I don't care is I'm dead last, I'm so excited I get to participate. Though I'm secretly hoping I have her for when my daughter goes to her Irish dance regional competition. I'm very excited I get to participate. I can't thank you enough for helping that happen. Neet was very sweet about it. Well I guess I will be seeing you on WOYWW next. Enjoy the remaining time with Flat Susan.


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