
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

What's on my Workdesk Wednesday 220? Market Stock!

Hello fellow Wednesday Desk Hopper!  Welcome to my desk in a very wet and typical winters day in Cape Town, South Africa.  The kids will need flippers and snorkels again today for hockey if the matches go ahead and us spectators will need waders!

Well on my desk are the 80+ cards I have managed to manufacture for a market I am doing this Sunday.  Wow, but it has come around fast...I started making stock about 3 months ago and boy am I glad I did, because life gets in the way and before you know it, the market is here and stock levels are low!  This time however, I think I will be ok.  Time will tell.  Looking at them all in these boxes, it doesn't look like much, I will try take a photo of my table on Sunday (if I remember in all the action) to post next week.

You can also see my overflowing ribbon drawer as my red rick-rack just wont behave...time to sort my desk out again...a perpetual activity around here!

See you at your desk over at Stamping Ground where Julia is hosting the world wide desk hop and snoop!



  1. Hi Be.onda, you must have linked at the same time as me as both our names came up together.
    Hope all goes well with the market on Sunday, you have worked hard doing all those cards.
    Ann B

  2. Sorry about that Belinda, finger slipped when typing your name and stupid iPad changed the spelling.
    Ann B

  3. Good luck at your market. I think I organize more than craft. Kim #52

  4. Good luck with the market, I hope you have great success. Have a good week. Helen 8

  5. Well done for thinking ahead! Good luck with the market, I hope it goes brilliantly!
    Hugs, LLJ 63 xx

  6. Gosh you have been busy. What a lot of cards you have made - good luck with the market - and with the storing of the ric rac.
    Have a good week and thanks for your visit earlier.
    Hugs, Neet 32 xx
    ps hope it stops raining for the market

  7. Wow Bella you have been a VERY busy girl!! Good on you and I hope the markets go wonderfully for you!! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #67

  8. Hi Belinda good luck for the matket, I hope it stops raining by Saturday...keep warm and dry,hugs from a warmish island in Greece.
    Zeffy #76

  9. That's a lot of cards you have made for the market
    Good luck with your sales!!
    Thanks for visiting me already
    Jackie 44

  10. wow, you have been busy!! good luck with selling them, and hope you can keep dry!
    happy W0YWW and have a great week :)
    no. 43

  11. Hi sure have been a busy lady but it is fun and good luck with the stall. Cheers RobynO#74

  12. Hi, wow you have been very busy! Wonderful. I hope you get them all sold :-) I like your desk. Have a great day, happy WOYWW, Suzanne

  13. Hope you sell them all! :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier and for your kind comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #4

  14. Your desk always looks so organized! Even when you're busy--and I need to shop for ribbon. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #9

  15. Off to market with a load of cards! OK, a bit of humor, but seriously, I hope you do well. And your roving ribbon looks ready to be used. Happy WOYWW from #10 and thanks for visiting while I slept.

  16. Good luck with your cards!! Your space looks great! And so you know, the little desk I showed today is only 1 of 2 desks I have. The other desk is a counter 14 feet long!!
    Happy WOYWW!]

  17. Well done with the cards, I hope the weather clears up for the weekend and you have a successful time at the market.

    Happy WOYWW. Susi #66

  18. Hi Belinda
    wow you have been so busy behind the scenes with your card making.
    Maybe next year you could ask all those taking part in WOYWW to make one card each and send it to you that would give you your stock and you could continue to just play
    Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #85

  19. Good luck at the market and I hope that you sell all of your cards. I hope that you do take pics.. I love to see your cards. Hope the weather clears up a bit too... Nothing worse than being cold AND wet :d

  20. Manufactured indeed...I hope you enjoyed doing all that. Hope you have a profitable market day,
    Snoop on! Carole #111

  21. Congratulations on your 80 cards ready for market! What a great feat!

    Best wishes for a successful event!

    Have a great Wednesday!!

    Lynn #19

  22. Wow 80 cards is a lot to have made well done I hope you sell then we all know how long they take to make but I guess it is a labour of love
    janet #31

  23. Have fun at the market. Thanks for stopping by. #7

  24. Hope you have a very successful day at the market! Good job making so many cards amongst the busy-ness of life. Happy WOYWW from Laura #116

  25. Hi Bella - wow you have been even busier that us here ! Hope you sell all your cards & please do show us the market & your stall next week ! Grey old damp evening here - and the nights are drawing in fast now. Mornings dark too. Oh dear how did summer slip through my fingers ! Have fun at the market ! Ali xxx

  26. All the best at the market, Belinda. Hope you sell lots of your cards - you have worked Sooo hard to make 80 ready for the weekend - well done.
    have a great time - and trust you didn't have to swim home in the mud after the hockey match!
    Margaret #55

  27. Fabulous! Julia's link let me in this week....Google+ won't let me commnet (Meanie!!) It's looks like you're ready for your market, hope all goes well! 80 cards! brilliant!!
    Thank you for my snoop!!
    Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #5

  28. Wow you have been busy....I hope your market is a huge success for you. Have a great week! Danie #17

  29. Wow, you've made so many cards. I'm sure you will sell them all at the markets. I love those cupcakes in front. Are they stamps that you cut out or those cut out thingys (like my typewriter) that you coloured. Whichever it is, they are gorgeous.
    Have a great week and enjoy the markets.
    Von #62

  30. You sure have been busy! I like how organized you are.

  31. You been a busy Bunny haven't you! Good luck Honey xx

  32. That's a lot of cards! I hope the market does well and you sell heaps of them! Apologies for my late arrival of doing the round of WOYWW desks! Annette #6

  33. Hope your sales were good at market! Always great to see your desk. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #1

  34. well I. So late that it is Sunday so I hope the market has been a roaring success. ostly so you don't have to unpack and put ay too much stuff. hate that! we seem to be matching your weather too...but we would, this is our August summer bank holiday weekend!!

  35. Hi Bella! Happy Belated WOYWW! I'm slowly making my way round and thank you for your visit to me and all your kind get well wishes!

    As I type this it is midday Sunday here, but I'm not sure the difference where you are. I will wish you either a successful sale if it is yet to happen or say that I hope your sales were successful, if it is finished! You certainly had a lot of stock going in!

    Enjoy having it over with and relax the rest of the week! Thank you, BTW, for taking all that time and trouble to fix the maddening Google+ malarkey re commenting!! Darnell #16


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