
Monday, 9 September 2013

Creative Chemistry 102 with Tim Holtz


Well, I was hoping Tim was going to do nice when a dream comes true!

I am booked and ready for 7 October when this online class starts.

You need to have done Creative Chemistry 101 to be able to do this class...been there, got that apron!

Now I am wishing time would fly instead of bemoaning the fact that this year is vanishing before my very eyes!


  1. Hi Bella
    Was the 101 class really good ? Was just taking a look at it wondering whether to sign up ! Ali xx

  2. Oh I'm so glad I stopped by....CC102?! Yikes, I best find where to sign up...thanks!

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I am really sorry that I never did the 101 maybe it is not to late. I really love his products and what he does with them.. I went to that site. I love it ... they have some cool stuff ;)


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