
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

CC102 Day 3 - Distress

I am just loving this process of learning something new each day.  CC102 has been a fabulous way to stretch my creative boundaries, ideas and processes...I am SO ready for tomorrow, and the next day and the next!  Bring it on Mr Holtz!


  1. Lovely tags! I'm particularly drawn to your smudge stamping one. Great job!

  2. Wonderful tags! I really like your Smudge stamping tag.

  3. beautiful! you sure worked fast to get those all done!!!i just finished watching the videos....probably won't have time to try them actually!

  4. Wow, you've been very busy. I'm still behind, haven't watched yesterdays videos yet.

  5. Your tags are all great! You definitely have a flair for this

  6. Wonderful job on your tags! This is so fun!

  7. You are pumping this stuff out Bella... I need to ask you what you do with them when they are all done. Do you display them or keep them to use on cards or layouts.
    They are all so lovely.

  8. You are pumping this stuff out Bella... I need to ask you what you do with them when they are all done. Do you display them or keep them to use on cards or layouts.
    They are all so lovely.


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