
Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Pinterest button

So I created this card for my Mom in Law who likes to sew.  I got this idea from Kezzys Craft Journey which I pinned to my Pinterest board.  Please pay her a visit to see the original inspiration for this card.

I am trying to get a Pin it button working on my blog...according to the preview available...It might be working!  Lets see...go on give it a try for me please and let me know!



  1. Love the card Bella and yes!!! works just fine the pin it button or would if knew what my login for Pinterest is... trouble with too many things to login on, and a soggy brain :D Shaz in oz.x

  2. Gorgeous card Bella. Very pink!
    Where is your follow me button then?

  3. Hey girlfriend! Where's your WOYWW post? I should talk. I have decided I can only post WOYWW twice a month not every week. It's too time consuming and the holidays keep me extra busy.

    I love the card. I hope your MIL likes it.

    Have a blessed day!
    Namesake (65)

  4. Whoo hoo clever girl.. worked for me too... I tried to put it up on my blog but no luck but I am getting a make over so will have it then... That card is gorgeous.


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