
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Whats on my (sons) Workdesk Wednesday 241? School...

Hello fellow desker.  Welcome to my son's new class room for 2014!   I have just dropped him off and am now back at the studio.  He is in Grade 4.  How did we get here so fast?  Seems like yesterday he was in go buy is Tuxedo for his Matric dance...that will be next...10 years will fly by if the last few are anything to go by.
thanks for the visit

See you at your desk


  1. Nice to see a school desk in your country. So different then here in the Netherlands. And for sure, time flies. Our son is almost 14.

  2. Lol, you're not wrong about time... guess we all wish we could slow it down sometimes! Lovely to see your son's school desk. Helen 7

  3. Thanks for a look at your sons work desk.

    Happy woyww

    Zoe #42

  4. Time flys so fast .... Like to bench type seats!
    Jackie 18

  5. Hi Belinda...thanks for sharing your sons desk...hope he has a successful year and with him back at school you'll soon be back at your desk...cheers RobynO#13

  6. Great desks and a reminder of childhood. It's all tables here now. Time does fly - my 'babies' are very grown up and I already have an 8 year old grandson - when did he get to be that age? The other 3 grandchildren are also growing rapidly!! Happy WOYWW Anne x #49

  7. How lovely to see a classroom in SA. You are so right about time flying one minute you are strapping them into the car next they are driving your car. Enjoy every day.
    Sandra @28

  8. You have no idea how fast it goes Bella... My son is going to be 30 this year and is getting married on Monday morning and I am feeling the same way we all felt the very first day of school... Like they are growing up and a little more of you is chipped away. I am really happy about it and I love my new DIL but it is just another milestone that as mothers we have to get over... Love this.

  9. You have no idea how fast it goes Bella... My son is going to be 30 this year and is getting married on Monday morning and I am feeling the same way we all felt the very first day of school... Like they are growing up and a little more of you is chipped away. I am really happy about it and I love my new DIL but it is just another milestone that as mothers we have to get over... Love this.

  10. Gosh I was worried then thinking you were going back to school, seriously I was. Then to find out how fast your little man is growing, yep before long they graduate like my baby did in December and yes it is scary. Thanks for the peep and I hope you have a wonderful crafting week.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 32

  11. Hey girlfriend, It's been way too long. I love seeing your son's desk. Different from the one's my son has in his classroom. How many more things will we have in common? My oldest son is in 4th grade too. I feel the same way. I remember when he and I used to snuggle up and take his naps on the couch now he is a little man. Just following advice and cherishing the blessings now.

    Have a blessed day my friend!
    Namesake (67)

  12. Oh look - twin desks, what a bucket load of memories they caused to come back! Am impressed by the uniform backpacks too; keeps everyone on a level playing field for fashion and eeds, huh - but what's the big boxes at the left?

  13. Ah! the school desks.... that takes me back although yours do look different to ours.
    I cannot believe my oldest girls are 27, even my little GD erin is growing like a weed and 21/2 already .... scarey isn't it
    janet #18

  14. My baby is 27 and it feels like yesterday that I dropped her off at school for the first time.
    Ek kan nog daai parmantige poniesterte onthou wat so wip op haar skouers as sy sĂȘ: 'Ma, ry nou!'


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