
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

What's on My Workdesk Wednesday 245? A Card

Well, dear Desker, this card is actually in my car already, so that I don't forget it at home as it was a "last" order for one of my students.  She called last night and asked for something pretty for her daughter's birthday, as she will be collecting it at class this morning!

My desk was clear to start off with, so this is the mess I make to just create one card!  The Spring Greenery is my latest die to be added to my collection so I had to use that of course!

That's me for today, hope you have a great week, now I am off to see what's on your desk!



  1. Wow, no wonder your cards are so lovely. You bring out everything except the kitchen sink (grin). I really like that MS heart punch. Very impressive the way you colored it, too. Thanks for visiting me already. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  2. I love the spring greenery die, a friend cut me some from it (what a fiddle to take them apart!!) but it's lovely and I will "need" it myself! Thanks for the visit - yes, Linda used some of the new stamps (the set I left on top has already been revealed, so I was allowed, lol!) Helen 12

  3. Love the card, love your desk, and LOVE your clock!!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 26

  4. Gorgeous card and I LOVE that die, now I will just have to go and get it too.
    The Flag to make the skirt has been located and the Vuvuzela dug out of the toy box. Now I just need a meeting with our drummie trainer for the pompoms. Watch this space....
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  5. What a lovely card xxoo
    Peggy #3

  6. Lovely colours you have chosen to make this card!
    Jackie 22

  7. Pretty cool card...and I love your clocks. Yep that's how my desk looks before I finish a card. Happy Trails Carole #68

  8. It IS always fun to use the new stuff, and the card turned out very pretty--she will be delighted with it!

    Thank you for stopping in this woyww, and Happy WOYWW to you,
    #13 this week with
    tiny books and Valentines

  9. Beautiful last minute card :)
    AOC @ #59

  10. Beautiful card--I'm sure she will love it! I made two cards last night for my nephews, and I couldn't believe what a mess I made just to create simple little valentines! Thanks for your sweet visit. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  11. Great last Min card and ooh love that new die that looks like a must have for sure :) hugs Nikki 4

  12. Gorgeous card! Such fresh, pretty colours. Makes me happy when the weather outside is VILE!!
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  13. Lovely card. If you can't make a mrs you can't make anything!
    thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
    robyn 9

  14. Very nice card! And yes, sometimes the "smaller" projects do require quite a bit of stuff about...mostly when it's a "wing-it" kinda card that's created more on emotion than planning!

  15. Thanks for swinging by earlier Bella, glad you got a Valentine's albeit hubby doesn't do VDay either. Love the card, it's the flower. That die is lush! Cx #31

  16. very pretty card, love the glitter Lx 91

  17. So great you just rustle up these creations overnight ! I'm more of a dither about until it looks right kind of a girl ! 23 days to go !! Hope i can actually get to see your craft room in the flesh !! Ali xx #36

  18. Hi Bella I neve cease to be amazed at home much mess we all make ... just to make one card, but .... its lovely.
    that die is definitely on my to buy list, when I finally ge tot a show that is .... I do like to look before I buy its not the same looking on line is it.
    have agreat week
    janet #32

  19. Hi Bella just popped in to check out your creative work space...lovely card and guess what I just bought that same die this week..Cheers and happy crafting RobynO#51

  20. Such a beautiful card you should be proud and I am sure the receiver will adore it. Mess, what mess I can't see any mess. Happy crafting and thanks for visiting me. Gotta go and get back to work.

    Hugs Eliza 10

  21. Wonderful card! And fabulous workspace! You can come over anytime and scrap in my room! Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Lovely card! There is nothing quite as stressful as the 'can you make me a card, and can I have it tomorrow'? request, is there? My heart sinks when someone asks me that, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #43 xx

  23. Hi Bella,

    What a nice card. You did well under pressure!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (86)

  24. Trying to make one card while I was still labelling up my ink pads, created major chaos on my desk again. Thank you for your visit and I hope your weather is better than ours. xx Maggie #15


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