
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

What's on My Workdesk Wednesday No247? Tote bag!

Well dear Desker, please make sure you are seated for this post...Why you ask?  Well because I tried my hand at SEWING!  I have seen some home made totes on some blogs and decided to give it a bash as I decided it was all straight lines and couldn't be too hard...

The first thing I managed to do was have the base seam on the outside...this happened after some very carefully worked out planning to make sure that it landed on the inside...I think I over thought it!

So then I had to add ribbon to the base to hide my mistake!   All in all it is functional and not too bad looking for a complete novice.

Then the other thing you might notice is that my work surface is white.  On Pinterest I see such lovely looking workspaces and was inspired to make mine look visually more pleasing so I spraypainted the back of my A1 cutting mat with glossy white and it is a DISASTER!

It looks fabulous but, even after letting it dry for 3 days, everything that is left on it for any length of time sticks to it.  Including a full cup of coffee which took some wiggling to get off without spilling...I resorted to drinking some with a straw so that it was not so full and would not mess too much.  So dear Desker, this is the last you will see of the nice white desk.  Next week it will be back to functional green.

Now I am off to see your desk over at Julia's place called Stamping Ground.



  1. Oh dear, you've had a time of it!!I have a history of being HOPELESS at sewing, but stay with it!! If I can do it YOU can!!
    Judy xx

  2. I, too, looked with envy at the lovely desks last week... sorry, your makeover didn't go to plan - looks nice though :)
    Have a happy WOYWW!
    no. 35

  3. oh dear - I am sorry that I smiled at your misfortune with the white paint! that wasn't kind of me in the spirit of WOYWW was it.. Hope you get the paint off . Well done on the sewing though, I'd have such big holes between the stitches anything I put in the tote would fall out.. Helen 16

  4. Awesome share Belinda! I hope you have a chance to share about the cat that adopted you as well!

    Create With Joy

  5. Nice bag!! And the tote's ok too, lol!! Sorry, couldn't resist...bad LLJ.
    Seriously, it looks great. And I can tell you about so many mistakes that I do, even now! Do some more sewing, it's fun!!
    Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

  6. Your tote looks great, as does the look of your new white working area. Sorry to hear the second is not functional. Blessings!

  7. Keep at the sewing. It will get better. If you can use it it was worth it!
    Not sure about the desk though!

  8. You are braver than me giving sewing a go. I have always wanted to make my own totes too but that is as far as it has got... hoping.

    As for the matt, oopppssss not so good ha.... get another mat.

    Hope your week improves.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52
    Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting

  9. How very brave of you..on both counts!! I think the tote looks great...too bad about the desk....Have a great week.

  10. Isn't it funny, the drama we go through in our craft rooms! Everyone thinks we all just make things with ease--they have no idea! Your bag is very cute though. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6

  11. I'm sorry I'm giggling at how Pinterest makes peeps do things they wouldn't normally. If it functions for you why mess around with making it look pretty. Sad your attempt didn't turn out like the inspiration. That happens to me a lot with crafty inspirations. :) im in awe that you tried sewing. And giggled again at the seam location...odd how those things happen isn't it?! Hope you have a good crafty week. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #92

  12. I've been sewing forever and still manage to get my seams the wrong way 'round!
    Lovely desk, just as it is!
    thanks for visiting and your kind words.

  13. The desk looks lovely but it's not really normal is it lol!
    A messy desk is a happy desk where great crafting happens. Angela x 68

  14. I never would have thought of painting a cutting mat, guess after your experience I won't even consider it. Different plastic & paints often have odd chemical reactions.

    Good for you for doing the sewing. You only learn & get better by making mistakes, so consider each one a lesson and progress. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #4

  15. Just threading a sewing machine is good for you. Perhaps some contact paper over the paint will help.Ideas are an adventure and we learn what works and what doesn't work...don't stop trying. Thanks for sharing. Be well and stay warm ~ Carole 101

  16. In answer to your question, the accuracy of the scan n cut is incredible, the flower stem is less than 1mm. I'm quite impressed with this machine, hope this helps. Thanks for visiting. Happy crafting
    DeDe #13

  17. Always experimenting! Nice tote- I thought you would have used the Eclectic E fabric? Too thin? Hope you found an even better use for it.

  18. Hi Bella,

    The tote looks great! It takes real talent to cover our mistakes - you should be proud!

    Yikes, the mat sounds like a disaster. I have a white shower curtain that I bought at a dollar store and use that for painting, etc. If I'm stamping I have paper mats to use.

    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Kay (5)

  19. Hi Bella haha that brought a smile to my face, the thought of you drinking your coffee through a straw. I wonder why most of the cutting mats are green... although mine is a sandy colour on the imperial side. but I use the green side
    Well done on the sewing, it is looking good
    janet #38

  20. Shame about all the white paint yikes may it come off easy.
    hugs Nikki 16

  21. and the candy is small enough that it's not that expensive to ship anywhere :) so I'll count you in if you like

  22. Great first effort on the tote bag, there always has to be a first one of anything, the next one will be easier. Knitting is the same, my first pair of socks looked awful, second ones not so bad, after that they got much better and now I'm making patterns instead of just plain socks! I sis laugh out loud at you drinking coffee through a straw! Shame about the mat.

    Brenda 10

  23. So sorry Bella, but I am laughing here at your mishaps! The seam thing is exactly the sort of thing I would manage, without any difficulty whatsoever. Maybe some white fablon for the mat? New link at #102, as my first one linked to last week. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz XX

  24. Oh you did a great job with the bag, and of one would ever have known about the seam!! the cutting mat rubber material is the problem for the spray paint....any other surface would probably work just fine!! it does look fab though, I must say......

  25. It's sounds like both of us have had a disastrous time this week, and I feel for you. Sorry I am late visiting, since you stopped by last Wednesday. Hope you get that paint off your craft mat.


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