
Saturday, 8 March 2014

Mini Distress ink storage box

One of our kit items from the Retailers day yesterday with Tim was two sets of the new mini inks.  They are stackable which is great, but I find that the lids clip firmly into the base above, whereas the ink pad does not stay firmly in its lid which opens as you move the stack and (like buttered toast) falls face down onto your table/project/lap/floor...or they come apart in your tote...which you then stick your unsuspecting finger into...

The other issue is that when they are stacked, you can't see the colour, or differentiate, base from lid!

So I needed a solution and this is what I did:

Here you can see that I have dragged the ink pad across some A4 paper and the stack of non decipherable colours are lying on their side above the page.
 I then set about putting double sided tape on the back of the colour strips and cut them to fit the lid and base of each pad.
 As a safety precaution I decided to make a box to store them in so I don't have accidents while transporting them places or having them on my desk.
 I used foam core board and glossy accented the tissue tape on the joins to hold it all together, then decorated some of Tim's Kraft resist paper with the inks and glued the strips to the box.
 Here are the inks inside their box
 I decided that some hardware was required and used two corner brads (I cut their tails off) to glue onto the box lid for decor.
 Then to keep with yesterdays theme of the Dragonfly set, I stamped the outside with archival ink.

 To stop the box from flapping open while in transit, I bent a Tim file tab open to 90 degrees.  Added a piece of sticky backed magnet (under the word hope) so that it would glue itself to the box in the right place when shut.  Then finally glossy accents on top of the stamping on the metal to preserve it.

Thanks for the visit.



  1. Holy cow, Bella, this is ingenious, fantastic, superb, and stunning!!! What a great idea. .. I hope you have posted in CC101, and to Tim!!!

  2. Way cool!!! I'm sure you are so inspired right now! This project rocks!

  3. nice box!!! why have you two distress ink for each colour?

  4. @Valou29 It is one ink. I made a strip for the top and the base so I can see where they break and so I can easily see the ink colour without having to read the label on the base.

  5. love love love your little pads in the box.

  6. Hi Bella,
    Love what you have done with that box! Simply gorgeous!

  7. lol and she's off... wow that was quick and a very nifty way to store them I agree they are very cool. I love those inks. :) I so loved our day with him. I wish I had thought about the retailers day I could have gone in Paola place... :(

  8. Very ingenious and much much fancier than the ones I made a while ago to hold my full size pads on my desk.... Great job. Of to read about your day with Tim now

  9. Wow! Your box is brilliant!!!


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