
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What's on My Workdesk Wednesday No 255? Repairs!

Hello Fellow Desker, welcome to my repair yard this week over in Cape Town, South Africa.

As usual I see my ribbon drawer is bursting at its seams...don't notice in real life, only when I look at the photo!

The bathroom mirror has come apart and I found the silicone to glue it back together before it causes 14 years of bad luck (7 for each side!) Not really superstitious...but not taking any chances!

Then there are 2 pairs of grey school trousers draped over my Vagabond for my son that have had their hems taken down and need stitching (not my fave) as we are going into winter now.

Oh and a pile of 100 metal flowers...well that was what the label said and I found it hard to believe, so the little pile to the top of the big pile is I guess I believe them!

There is also a new little yellow butterfly punch as I have often wanted a small butterfly for my cards like the Gorjuss one below.

Check out How to Colour a Gorjuss Stamp on Printed Paper. by Belinda Basson on Snapguide.

This is the second Snapguide I have made and have decided I quite like it as a tutorial option.

What do you think of Snapguide?  Better than Youtube?  Should I go this route?



  1. What a great desk, love your storage space. Is that telephone a clock?
    Happy WOYWW

    Kim (daisy) 15

  2. Just stopping by before I head to bed. Everything is opposite in our worlds. Day is night and winter is summer. But one thing never changes. We always see things that the camera lens picks up that we didn't notice otherwise. WOYWW wishes from # 9.

  3. Forgot to mention I've never heard of Snapguide. I'll have to check it out.

  4. Oooh, I just want to sneak a look in all those intriguing little drawers...
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 2

  5. Oooh, I just want to sneak a look in all those intriguing little drawers...
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 2

  6. Love the desk and all those drawers to peek into.... have a great week Helen 5

  7. Yet another delay in my desk hopping - not seen a snap guide before so while Gorjuss girls are not my thing (indeed, ANY no-mouth image creeps me out :)) I have to work thru it to see it inaction. THIS is why I can NEVER make it thru all the desks..... :)

  8. DOH. That was me

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (1)

  9. Sounds busy busy in your neck of the woods today. Have a great week, Chris # 19

  10. Way cute card and a very good snapguide on how you create. First time I have seen Snapguide. Great idea.
    Sandra @20

  11. G'day Belinda
    and happy WOYWW. OH good luck fixing all the things and esp the mirror. Lovely tutorial snapguide thing! OOOHHH I could use 100 metal flowers LOL
    Annette In Oz #8

  12. Hi Bella, love the sound of the metal flowers, ace. I've never heard of snapguide either- not sure if I should check it out, I lose far too much time sitting at my pc as it is! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #54 xxx

  13. Mm lovely desk .. and my ribbon drawer is much bigger than yours so that is modest Bella!! re snap guide, it is quick to look at .. had not heard of them too.. but think I would rather a video shall confess but all depends I guess on time etc..
    Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #40

  14. Hi Bella busy desk as usual. Don't you just live gorjuss, well yes I can see you do, the tutorial was good I like that format better than you tube because you can easily go at your own pace
    Janet 24

  15. Great desk shot, I could poke around on there for hours and never have to leave. I didn't know about snap guide before now, but I am a You Tube fan. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 28
    Happy WOYWW

  16. Hi Bella thanks for stopping by ! Hope all that room in your garden will mean you can have relaxing & fun time out there !
    I like the snap guide - do they take you a long time to put together ?
    Are you doing the ATC swap ? Lynda & I are hoping to go the the WOYWW crop at the end of May - so if you wanted to join in the swooping you could send me over some ATC's, I'll swap for you & send them back over to you ?
    Have a good week Ali xx

  17. Great desk, bet there are some interesting things lurking in the storage boxes lol!.
    Happy crafting, Angela x48

  18. Hi Belinda in SA.....super busy crafty desk and lots going on. Happy WOYWW and Cheers and have a great week Robyn#18

  19. Bella, what lovely silver flowers, where did you get them? I love the butterfly punch, it is amazing what a difference a little butterfly can make.
    Looking forward to seeing them both on a card soon.
    Chris #34

  20. what a busy desk! :)
    I hear you... mending boys' pants is one of my least favorite things to do ;)
    The girl so so sweet - I'll have to watch your turorial to see how you did it...
    happy woyww from Sweden!
    Jana #93

  21. pretty nice blog, following :)

  22. I heard something earlier in the week and wondered what it referred to, now you mention it again and I get it now... not sure if it will compete with YouTube on scale though? Love those metal flowers... a 100 of them? Annette #7

  23. Great desk as usual there Bella. So want to have a rummage in those drawers!
    I would love to exchange ATCs with you again this year. No need to ask!


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