
Sunday, 15 June 2014

Father's Day Box card

It would seem that I cannot make a "normal" card any more...all I do are these 3D box cards.  They are so much fun to create and use the same amount of stash, but look far more impressive!

Here is what I made for my dad.
 This is it "flat" above and the top view below...

 View from the right and view from the left


  1. Bella, this is gorgeous -- compass rose and all things nautical.

  2. I really love these little box cards. They are so much fun. Love this one.

  3. Great box card Bella. Happy crafting, Angela x

  4. The card is amazing ! Love it ! I am making my first one - a garden themed one for Dad's birthday next week - wish me luck ! Ali xx

  5. The card is amazing ! Love it ! I am making my first one - a garden themed one for Dad's birthday next week - wish me luck ! Ali xx


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