
Wednesday, 4 June 2014

What's on my Workdesk Wednesday 261? Video leftovers

One of the girls on the Creative Chemistry private Facebook group was having trouble with all sorts of "ugly" as she put it, while trying to make Tim's latest June tag.  I made a short video to explain colour theory...If you don't want to go to the vid, here is a short explanation:

quick colour theory lesson to avoid muddy colours. draw a triangle! put red, yellow, blue on each point. then between yellow and red on the straight side, write orange, between blue and yellow write green and purple on the last side. now you can easily see one side of the colour spectrum. stick to the three colours on that one side and you will be fine. the minute you go round the corners you will have mud cos the three primaries make brown. the opposites will also give mud! inside the triangle, draw an arrow from the point of each corner of the triangle down to the middle of the opposing side...that is its opposite colour or yellow/purple and blue/orange...these too will make mud when blended.
I also made it to the shop during the week-end to get the thinner foam core board to finish my two ink towers.  Yes Elizabeth, they slide in and out easily and because the shelf ends a little before the pad in the front, you can get at it and grip it to pull it out.  I will do a tut on it one of these days.

See you at your desk...with or without Mr Linky...he is on holiday with our leader!



  1. I stopped by and read about your tag, then refreshed and your WOYWW post appeared just like MAGIC. Glad you explained a bit of color theory. Last year I joined the Summer of Color and the two colors were purple and green. I made the comment that you have to be careful of those two colors because you could quickly make mud. Of course I explained why, but I doubt anyone read it, because I saw a LOT of mud when those two colors were applied.

    Thanks for explaining the foam core. I appreciate it. Guess we don't have numbers this week, but we both know where we live (grin).

  2. Something we learn in art class that we can remember or forget I love to use the complimentary colours in my projects all the time and it can be easy to make mud :)
    hugs Nikki

  3. That's the simplest explanation of colour theory I've seen - way to go!
    Those ink towers are're very clever to come up with that. I'm used to seeing ink pads strewn all over the place at Julia's!! Today's desk worried me!!!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  4., most concise color theory lesson ever! And I do love those towers. Have a great week!

  5. This is an interesting way of explaining how to avoid muddy colours and not one I have seen before. I wonder how many people actually remeber their art lessons in school or indeed how many were actually taught colour theory?
    We always taught it but most of my pupils were more interested in getting the paint on the paper rather than knowing how it all works but that's kids for you lol!
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  6. Now you are a clever bumble bee explaining it that way, good on you. There is no way I could of had that logic and I am being serious. Hey I just mix and don't worry it all works in the end. Love your stamp pad towers too. This is one really exciting desk this week, thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda
    no linky he is on siesta with Julia...........

  7. Love the ink towers. Thank you thank you! I am one will benefit from your color theory tut.! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #guess :)

  8. Way to go Girl! I wish our art teacher explained things that easily when I were a lass! I may have prevented so much paper going in the bin!!
    Happy WOYWW Honey.

  9. Simple and to the point! Thank you.

  10. Always worth a reminder. I love colour and use Kuler a lot to just look at combos - sometimes one will hit me just right and I'll find it begins popping up in my work a lot for a bit. Oh and yes, indeed, you do have to "work thru the ugly" often in crafting but there comes a time when the bin is the ONLY answer LOL!

    Happy no-Linky WOYWW! (except I checked again and there it is!)
    Mary Anne (52)

  11. I have a colour wheel, but never fully understood the 'mud' theory till now, thanks for sharing such useful info xo
    Thanks for already visiting me.
    Hugz Minxy

  12. Great way to explain the wheel & how the mud can stick to the wheel !
    We posted a package to you last Friday so hoping it gets to you soon ! Didn't get to post this week as my parents were staying until Wed morning & then i had to go to a (very boring !) "do" in London last night - so the week has got away from me ! Take care & let me know if the parcel arrives safely ? Love Ali x

  13. Great way to explain the wheel & how the mud can stick to the wheel !
    We posted a package to you last Friday so hoping it gets to you soon ! Didn't get to post this week as my parents were staying until Wed morning & then i had to go to a (very boring !) "do" in London last night - so the week has got away from me ! Take care & let me know if the parcel arrives safely ? Love Ali x


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