
Wednesday, 13 August 2014

What's on My Workdesk Wednesday 271? Page Layout and Snail Mail

Welcome to my desk in Cape Town, South Africa.  I have been AWOL for a few weeks while life got the better of me...Now I am BACK!

The last time I joined in two weeks ago There was a half dressed steampunk dress form at my she is finished and living in my lounge where I see her every time I walk down my passage.
On my desk is the page I will be teaching in September.  This is going to take a while to kit up as I used 7 different dies and two alphabet dies!  My Vagabond is going to be working overtime!
Then yesterday I got two snailmail letters in my post box, one from Hettiecraft and the other from Christine.  It would seem that the African snail is a speedy eater!  The one envelope was clearly tasty and got some what demolished on one corner...takes snailmail to a new height!
So this is me for this week, now I am off to see what you have to show me on your desk.


  1. Your steampunk mannekin is a complete triumph! Love the look of the kit you'll be working on, and your chomped snailmail tickled me! Happy WOYWW Helen 3

  2. That dress form is sooooooooo gorgeous, I love it. Bet you get a Greg sense of satisfaction every time you walk past it!
    Blimey, those snails must have been hungry, lol! I've never had that problem with the post in the UK :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  3. Greg! I meant great, of course! Though a Greg sense of satisfaction might be fun too............... ;-)

  4. That steam punk bust is stunning. Goodluck with the lemon marmalade
    Bridget Larsen #20

  5. hi Belinda! wow girl, your style is amazing....awesome job!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  6. AMAZING artwork going on here!

  7. Wow! What a transformation to your dress form! Looks as though you will be busy again with all your die cutting. Gosh though, whatever happened to the envelope?? A mystery never to solved! Hugs Chrisx
    Not taking part this week.

  8. I love the scrap page, how bright and gorgeous colours, I love steampunk, not my style but your dress form is brilliant, how creative.
    Jan s. No55

  9. Love your silver Lady. Well done!
    thanks for visiting, your kind words, and I hope the ok button comes your way!
    robyn 13

  10. Oh my goodness your dress form came out gorgeous!! And I love love love the layout on your desk! I bet that class is going to be so much fun!!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #8

  11. Between your last post and this...I strongly suggest you start appeasing the Mail Post deity! Yikes!
    And I'm sure I will be using the mini's...especially since you said they were wetter. But i honestly did get them so I had an excuse to get the tin! LOL! Have a great week! Good luck with the kiting...

  12. Urgh kitting....
    So lovely to see you back, I sincerely hope that you've got the better of that life thing that has kept you away from us!!
    The dress form really is fab, bet you smile and think 'I made that' every time you step into the room!

  13. Hi Bella,

    I love how your metal lady turned out. Very cool! I'm impressed that you have the page already made for the September class. You are one organized chic!

    Yes, I really was lucky to go to Dyan's class. Honestly, I didn't even know who Tim Holtz was until I started joining in on WOYWW and saw his name all over the place! Dyan was full of life and a speedy teacher. I definitely got my money's worth. The class was in Santa Fe, NM, only about a 30 minute drive for me. Another bonus! On my sidebar is a photo of us. She bought the turquoise necklace on this trip and I must say it looks great on her!

    Today I'm off work so hoping to get around to at least those that have visited me so far.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (14)

  14. That steampunk project is truly beautiful! What really cracks me up is your envelope eating snail, so funny!
    Gabriele 29

  15. You Steampunk babe is amazing - can imagine her in your lounge ! Love the layout ! But oh what a task you have set yourself !! If you end up with a spare LO kit it would be great for some of my photos from our trip in March ! Hugs Ali xx

  16. wow your dress form is fabulous it would make me smile every time I walk passed it or maybe I'd have to stop and stroke it.
    never heard of the African paper eating snail must be quite rare
    janet #2

  17. I love your steam punk mannequin. I'd be smiling every time I saw her too and I love the detail on the back as well. What naughty snails you have over there, it must have been really tasty. The fact it was eaten so quickly could be a little bit worrying, don't sit in the garden too long or they might start munching on you!
    Have a great week,
    Von #30

  18. Well done with the steampunk dress form, it is gorgeous.
    I often wonder what happens to the mail, it would be great to have a little camera attached to it LOL!
    Happy crafting, Angela x #44

  19. Your steampunk dress form is amazing !!! looks so kewl :)
    Yep gotta love it when the mail gets hungry and starts eating your mail hopefully nothing inside got damaged
    hugs Nikki 5

  20. Like the layout so far, love the dress form, and LOL! at the nibbled mail! I wish I could get perspective on the size of the dress form - I'm guessing small but oh WOW wouldn't it be totally fab full size? :)

    Happy WOYWW! a little late
    Mary Anne (1)

  21. The steam punk bust has so much intricate detail! So much work. It must give you great satisfaction every time you see it.

  22. Lovely work. Thank you for your visit. Karen #20

  23. The snail munchies make me snort as I just des nailed our letterbox the other day... As spring comes they get the munchies... That Africa page is looking amazing...xx

  24. OMG! Snail mail...lucky it didn't eat it all! Love the steampunk manikin. You need my hat and goggles! I also love that layout and wish I lived closer{{grin}} so I could take the class. Care to mail across? Thanks for visiting my desk last week. Just got home from the war and posted some more pictures if you are interested. Vickie #75

  25. Love your dressmaker dummy, utterly gorgeous - how big?
    Great page to teach too - lots of work for you to get done there.
    Thanks for the suggestion re the frame on my blog.
    Can see just how right you are.
    Hugs and Thanks for visiting me whilst I was in deepest Wales - with no signal hence the lateness of commenting now.
    Neet 11 xx

  26. Love the dress form- its ace. I have a couple of small ones to decorate when I get around to it. Running late this week, Have a great week, Hugs. Shaz #23,xxx

  27. Your dress form is amazing. I think your vagabond is made for the task (I always hear such good things). SBS stands for "sketchbook skool" and online class that started this year. Have a lovely week.
    Sandra de

  28. Wow I love your dress form it is incredible and you should be proud and have it on display. Your scrapbooking layout is really good too, what a fun class that one will be. Thanks for sharing.

    Belated WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 67


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