
Wednesday, 20 August 2014

What's on my Workdesk Wednesday 272? iPad pieces

Hello fellow Desker from Julia's place.  Welcome to my desk in a sodden Cape Town, South Africa.
This is the page I have just finished planning for my next class layout and it is hard to remember the heat of our summer as I write, cos the sky is leaking bucket loads right now, it sounds like a waterfall coming off my roof!

My son dropped the iPad...
My husband ordered the new parts and so we are at the stage where the screen is off and in taking it off we damaged the volume now he has to order one of those and then we can re-assemble my favourite toy. So for now, my desk is a repair yard.  Now to dispose of all those tiny shards of glass!

That's me for today, off to see what I can see on your desk!


  1. wow poor ipad, hope your husband can fix it. It was pouring here as well and everything was flooded so I can imagine your place was the same
    Bridget #4

  2. I'd love to see your gerbera pink it looks amazing!! We've had mad rain here in Wiltshire as well, it feels distinctly autumnal and it's still only August! I'm a one woman blast furnace at the moment (don't you just love those hormones!) but people were complaining it was cold at band practise last night, 5 degrees C! Needless to say, I was still in a t shirt :-)
    What a shame about your iPad...I think I'd be completely lost without mine. Good for hubby in fixing it though. Hope it's better soon!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xx

  3. Hi Belinda, happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting my desk. OOOWW the iPad isn't well, but my son did the same and lucky for me he likes to keep up with the latest and passed his repaired one onto me.. Send some rain to Australia, we had some last week but desperately need more. Cheers and have a lovely week RobynO#21

  4. LOL! What is it with kids and iPads? DD knocked Hubby's iPad mini off the table and cracked the screen within days of purchase. {sigh} Brave to self-repair, I have to say. I wonder what the leftover bits cold be turned into? Get your thinking cap on... :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  5. Oh dear your poor ipad!! What a sorry state of affairs! Still hopefully those great pics are taking your mind off the weather. It's nice and sunny here in the UK today but someone seems to have turned down the thermostat - it's pretty cool for August. Have a great Wednesday, Cindy #32

  6. Well done to your hubby for his repair skills. Trust all goes well with that.
    It's currently sunny here in North Wales, but this morning we had torrential rain for 5 minutes - sudden start, sudden finish - incredible!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11

  7. Owch!! Having dropped the screen on my Blackberry I know a little of what it means to do it!
    Hope it gets fixed real soon!

  8. That's a beautifully composed page spread for your scrapbook. I am sorry to hear about your iPad, but glad your husband knows how to fix it. Happy WOYWW and Blessings!

  9. Hi Bella .... Oh dear poor I pad.
    I'm sure you can think of something crafty to do with the shards of glass.
    Good luck. I only persevered with the tatu because someone showed me how to slip I was ready to give up before that
    Janet @6

  10. Oh dear, bet someone got a telling off for that, still accidents do happen.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 49

  11. the layout looks great - hope the weather improves soon, and your i-pad too! Helen 17

  12. Hi Belinda, the weather has taken a nose dive over here too! Only August, and they are saying potential for frosts- thats crazy. Good job you have a handy hubby- mine can fix most things too- which saves a small fortune! The money some people charge to fix such things is insane.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #16 xxx

  13. lovely layout and so brave of you to fix the iPad yourselves!
    thanks for visiting
    Robyn 7

  14. Your splash page is fantastic, Bella! Sorry about the computer breakage ~ what a pain! Thanks for coming to see me! Glad I gave you a giggle! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell

  15. Yep, if my ipad was so sick, it would be allowed to take up my desk space! How Marv that you can replace the screen, I would have been in a panic of it being a gonner!

  16. Great layout. Our summer seems gone - it has felt cold ad autmnal :-( What a shame about the ipad. Happy WOYWW Anne x #33

  17. Whoops - bet poor Luke was mortified to have broken Mum's best toy !

    Layout is looking great - and I remember that summer weather perfectly !!

    Glad you like my shell project - I was amazed those long razor clam shells were with perfect length !!

    Take care Ali xxx

  18. Oh dear, that's not so good. I didn't know you could repair ipads. My daughter now has to have one for school and we have to replace it every two years, which is up this year so I will get her old one. I'll finally see what everyone likes about them. Hope hubby gets it fixed quickly for you. Your layout is making me sigh, can't wait for summer. It's only 1 1/2 weeks to spring and I'm counting the days. Bummer about your rain, at least you won't have to water the garden. Have a great week,
    Von #22

  19. Hi Bella,
    The layout looks very summerlike, with summer colours and water activities! Can't imagine them here either, it seems like autumn here as well. Hopefully you'll be able to fix the tablet, maybe give it a little steampunk look while assembling again ;)
    Thanks for the visit yesterday.
    Debbie/Daqa #18

  20. Hi Bella,
    The layout looks very summerlike, with summer colours and water activities! Can't imagine them here either, it seems like autumn here as well. Hopefully you'll be able to fix the tablet, maybe give it a little steampunk look while assembling again ;)
    Thanks for the visit yesterday.
    Debbie/Daqa #18

  21. Shame about your ipad but impressed that yard able to repair it yourself so many people just replace them and they are tricky with all those wires. What a fun layout you have there it just screams summer hugs Nikki 2


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