
Friday, 24 October 2014

New look for my Blog

Hi there

You might be forgiven for thinking that my blog has had a multiple personality of late...

I have been doing lots of research and trying new things out to see if I can do the background stuff and get the look I want for my blog myself.  It has been a learning curve of NOTE, in fact, I would go so far as to say that there was no curve at all, rather a perpendicular line going straight up!

But I persevered and I think I have it looking how I want it for now! (there might be a few more tweaks coming) I still want to try and create a blog header that I like, this is currently the text which Blogger has available.
What do you think?

Hope you like it!  Please let me know if I need to change font colours or anything else as my 21" screen and yours will be very different which I discovered when I viewed my blog on my DHs 17"screen across the room!

Even worse, I have just looked at it on my dinosaur of a computer at work (screen shot as seen below) and you can't see any of the side image...oh well, cant't win them all!  Makes me wonder what you see?


  1. Nice, girl! The colors are lovely on my smart phone. ;) You did a good job!

  2. Looks great. On my ipad the background is way down the page. I'll look at it on my desk top tonight. Way to go learning how to create your own background. Love all the gears.

    1. I can see the background much better from my desk top. Looks fantastic! Can really see all the textures.

  3. It looks fantastic! I see the same thing as in your top image. The only thing I'd change (which you already mentioned) is the header. The white text doesn't pop. Could it be outlined in black?

  4. I think I can see the whole view and it looks wonderful to me, easy to read and lovely textured sides. I think the script at the top looks well, I love it - well done you! Anne x

  5. Looking good on my screen Honey.
    Can you sort my header out now please?

  6. Wow good for you Bella... I gave up in sheer frustration with mine and got Em to do it for me. Love the background and I think it suits your TH love perfectly. GO you.

  7. Soooooooo much work.... congrats on sticking with it. Everything looks nice and easy to read.


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