
Thursday, 20 November 2014

Planning 2015!

I have just purchased my A4 year planner for 2015.  It lives in my handbag (yes my bag is huge and doubles as my roving office)!  Don't lift it if you have back problems. (this health and safety warning should be printed on the outside)...

Due to the fact that Alison is closing the Craft and Scrapbook Centre at the end of this year, I will now be teaching my mixed media, card and scrap classes from my art Studio in Bergvliet as from 2015.

I am also looking at running on line classes and wondered what people would like me to cover.  If you have any requests then please let me know in the comments below.

The other thing I have been contemplating is teaching in other towns within South Africa or flying overseas and teaching in other Countries for that matter!  This has been a dream of mine for quite some time.  So, if you are looking for teachers for next year...lets chat!


  1. Good for you dreaming big - I really hope that you achieve your dream of teaching overseas! Anne xx

  2. I would think an online class on just about anything you have posted should be splendid!

  3. Sorry to hear the shop is closing. It always looked so warm and inviting. Good luck for your new year dreams; I hope they all come true and more besides.

  4. Oh No! Sorry to hear the shop is closing.
    I wish you luck on your new venture and am sure you will do well. I look forward to seeing what you do for on line classes and of course, let me know if you get to Blighty to teach!! We have a spare bed too!!

  5. hahahahah my bag is that big too :D I like to have a 'real' calendar to look at too. I am trying to get organised for next year now. I feel like I have lost the plot for this year. Sorry to hear the shop is closing and good luck with all your plans. Hope they all come off.

  6. I would like to put it on the record that I booked you to fly up to my town to do a class years ago! I am not the shopowner, but still... I think it was your first fly-in class? Please let me know if I am misrepresenting things hahaha. Best of luck, Bella and thanks for the chat the other day.


Its always lovely to hear from you , so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Please excuse word varification, I've been getting lots of spam comments.