
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What's on My Workdesk Wednesday 288? Tim Holtz tags of 2014...Christmas version!

Hello fellow Desker from Julia's place.  Welcome to my desk where Christmas has finally arrived.

I got all my Christmas stash out in November already with the idea of Taking Tim's 12 Tags of 2014 and using the same techniques to create a tag a day for the 12 days of we are on Day 10 and I have finished 3 tags and have a few more in the making.  Oh the plans of mice and men!

I have not even put up my tree or the decorations which usually go up on the 1st!  Life has just gotten in the way.

Schools break up today for our summer holiday for 5 weeks.

Off to see what is on your desk today!


  1. I love your version of the 12 Tags. Hope once the schools have broken up you will become more organised and ready for Christmas... ha ha!! Helen 8

  2. Great 12 days of xmas you have going on :)
    Enjoy the break from school hugs Nikki 1

  3. I'm sure you'll get it done in time - just try to enjoy, and not give in to the panic. The tags look lovely. Have a wonderful week, Chris # 13

  4. Love all things TH and yours are gorgeous. Perhaps you could just pop them on the tree and be done with it:)
    Sandra de @33

  5. Well, if school breaks up today Bella, I think the tree etc will become a priority and that will be done, and then you may find time to tag. *cough*.
    I think it's enough of a triumph that you've got the intention to do them frankly...if I try and fit naything else in we'll have to go without washing and food!

  6. What wonderful tags on your desk today! I love TH!
    Glenda #39\8

  7. Beautiful tags! Really love them! It sounds strange to have summer holidays in December, but I guess you can't rename the months just because you live on the other side of the globe! It's a question of perspective! I've enjoyed my visit, Bella, I always find cool things on your desk! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #40

  8. Your tags are just beautiful. #48

  9. Your tags are awesome! Nice idea using the 12 days for making tags! When I look around you really have a cool supply of stamper´s tools! Wow!!
    Gabriele 23

  10. Hi Belle, glad I'm not the only one falling all behind in my plans. Love the tags, gorgeous colours.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #11 xxx

  11. No cards this year, thanks to our wonderful Postal strike! Tree is done and decorations are up though. Missed coming around for WOYWW.
    Tertia #32

  12. What a great idea to use Tim Tags as your 12 days. Yours are coming along great and look wonderful, cant wait to see the end results
    Bridget #36

  13. Oh, I zoomed in on your tags, they look amazing!! So pleased there is someone else who has not put the tree up or finished planned projects..... Anne xx

  14. Great tags ! Mind you I still can't get my brain to compute Christmas in the Summer holidays ! Hope you & Luke enjoy the holidays ! Hugs Ali xx

  15. tags are fab. I am way way behind with everything - trying hard not to panic. Happy WOYWW Anne x #29

  16. Ah yes, mice n men.....that's me this year. A few Christmas decorations are out only because I found them as I unpacked. ;) Cards?....well, maybe next year. Love your tags! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #53

  17. Loving the tags Bella. Went for a better look in that box of goodies! lovely!!! Happy crafting, Angela x 45

  18. Lovely bright colours on your tags

  19. I'm amazed you got that many done. They are gorgeous. I hope you get the tree up soon. Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Von #28

  20. I am so far behind the 8 ball it is not funny. THEN I see today just a couple of weeks to go. I reckon I need to get my ass in gear. Can't wait to see your tags.

  21. Lovely tags there Bella.
    Don't fret my tree isn't up yet...but then I don't usually put it up until the weekend before anyhoo!

  22. Love the colours of your tags they look lovely and festive. No tree here either. Sorry for my late visit., Anita #39

  23. Your tags look beautiful as ever Belinda. Doesn't life just get too hectic! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a creative New Year. Jenny x


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