
Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What's On My Workdesk Wednesday 289? Valentines tag

Hello fellow Desker from Julia's place.  Welcome to my desk over in Cape Town, South Africa!
This is actually as my desk looked on Sunday morning after I was inspired to make Tim's Tag for Feb, late on Saturday night.  The chaos you see is now all gone and you can once again see my floor and desk...which is boring, so I am showing you a more realistic view of what goes on most of the time.
My accounts are done and handed in!  YAY!  So the yellow file on the floor is GONE now.  The yellow box on top of the file is from new molding putty I had played with all day Saturday...not so sure about the putty.  I prefer the results from the silicone molding stuff, though it takes 16 hours to set!


  1. Nice organised spavce and loads of things going on.

  2. Hi Belinda, love your desk and storage! Have you tried the DIY silicone moulding paste on You Tube? Silicone sealant and Talc, or cornstarch/cornflour? Works like a dream. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #21 xx

  3. Bella,

    What a wonderful desk filled with all you need to play with, your storage is brilliant and it looks like you are having heap of fun with those molds. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #2

  4. I am very envious of your desk. Everything looks so organised!
    Morag 40

  5. Love your desk. All those drawers are wonderful for keeping things within reach. Isn't it funny how we work ourselves into in tiny space on the desktop? Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love organised space. All those labeled drawers! I bet you do not spend half of your time looking for something you KNOW you have like me lol Happy crafting! Shel-PaperOctilloStudio #42

  7. Realistic views are so much better! (Makes me feel normal! LOL!) Have a great week.

  8. Oh dear, I feel responsible - hee, hee... I am so glad that there is someone else out there in Blogland who has a desk as messy as mine - with one exception - I usually have a lot more on the floor than you do!! Hugs, Anne x

  9. Hi Bella .... Lots of interesting bits and bobs on your desk this week.... Tags can be a lot of fun to do
    Janet @12

  10. Zoomed in to have a look at that gorgeous tag then got distracted by all the goodies on your desk. You are super organised.
    sandra de @3

  11. I saw your tag and it is lovely. I don't know why it took me so long to play with that challenge. I cant work if my desk is a mess and I am sure that interferes with my creative process.. I use and put away... it is sad but true..... :D

  12. Hi Belinda - so excited to see what you have come up with - I havent been allowed to get a peek in yet. Thanks for stopping by my blog today as well and all the good thoughts and wishes. I so love your stuff that I can barely wait til Laura publishes your project. So happy you said yes!


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