
Friday, 13 March 2015

March tag of Tim's 12 tags of 2015

Here is my take on Tim's tag for March...Mine seems to be all about the texture paste and embossing powder where as Tim's is all about the butterfly...visually speaking that is.
I think this has happened for two reasons.
1:  I don't have his beautiful big butterfly stamp (yet) and used my biggest Darkroom Door one instead.
2: I don't have the alphabet stencil yet either.

Knowing that these tags are all about the process and making them your own...
I chose to use the harlequin stencil which has LOTS of coverage, unlike the subtle alphabet one.  Perhaps I should not have covered the whole tag with the embossing paste...then it would not be quite so overstated.  However, the technique is a fabulous one and worked particularly well, though I had to actively practice some patience while the texture paste dried over night and I could heat gun it the next day to emboss the powder.
The nice thing is that I got two more tag bases out of the paint I had on my craft sheet, so I can try a few more versions when I get a chance.  I think I was a little generous with the paint to start with...

Roll on 1st of April, I can't wait to play again!


  1. Stunning tag!!! Love the colors and all the pretty butterflies. I did not have that butterfly stamp nor stencil, I made due with what I did, just like you :)

  2. I think your tag is absolutely gorgeous! And, your background colors and stenciling are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have no patience to wait for texture paste to dry I used my heat gun :P Love the colours you used and the harlequin looks great. I love your version of the tag. I think it is awesome.

  4. The harlequin stencil looks so wonderful with the butterfly and I quite like the amount of gold that shows - it's very decadent and I also love the 'mop up' tags you were left with too. Still have my tag to do... Anne xx

  5. Wow, what a bold and funky take on the March tag - love it!
    Alison x


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