
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

What's On My Workdesk Wednesday 317? Giant Steampunk stuff

Hello fellow desker from Julia's place called Stamping Ground.

Weren't we all so well behaved last week while our leader was on vacation?

This week I have the bits to make up a giant art installation for a local coffee shop who has just won the coveted title of Best coffee shop in the WORLD!

They are steampunk and so right up my ally, apart from the fact that I think they make the BEST coffee in town  sorry make that the world...I can say that now cos they have the title! LOL
I have sprayed lots of PVC piping and will be creating something along the lines of this tiny 12' x 12" canvas below  on their wall which is 3m x 4m as seen with the light in front of it above with pillars on each side and then some over-spill onto the other side of the pillar...
So that's me for the week.  Hope to visit you tonight.


  1. That is AWESOME! So cool that your artwork will be in your favorite coffee shop. :-)
    April #50

  2. Oh wow, Bella...many congrats for getting that commission!! Something steampunky will look fabulous on that big wall :-). Enjoy doing it!!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxxx

  3. How lucky that you get to create a steampunk inspired work of art, and get PAID, too. Life doesn't get much better than that, does it? Happy WOYWW from # 3.

  4. What an honour to be immortalised like that - well your artwork! Congratulations - and the idea is awesome!
    Hugs, neet xx

  5. that's quite a feather in your cap! a huge space to fill, but I know you will rise to the challenge - can't wait to see the results (just wish I could see it in person!) Helen 8

  6. Looks like a fabulous start. I know it's going to be amazing! Enjoy the journey of it all. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Congratulations. So many people will enjoy it. Have a lovely week. Barbxx #36

  8. That will look absolutely fabulous! Wow! I love it! Congratulations on the commision.
    Have a great week,

  9. That's a fantastic idea for a coffee shop and your work will fit in perfectly. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela xXx 27

  10. Oooo, that sounds really exciting! I am so jealous as I just can't seem to get into the whole off the page/multi media art even though I admire everyone else's creations. Vikki #57

  11. Hi Bella.....oh my - have fun and we're looking forward to seeing the finished project. Cheers RobynO#28

  12. Wow Bella you will be busy and I cant wait to see the end project. have fun creatiung.
    Soojay 17#

  13. This sounds like it is going to be SO exciting - how amazing for you ! Do keep us posted how it goes ! And invite me over for a coffee ! Ali #11


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