
Saturday, 13 August 2016

Steam Restaurant part 14 "crazy animal heads"

The owner wanted these taxidermy heads steampunked.

Someone else was going to do this project, but then he had to go overseas for his "pay the bills job", so asked me if I could take these two critters on.  Always up for a challenge, I said yes and he dropped them off at my house.

I must admit that this was not really up my ally...they are creepy in my opinion

I did not like these things looking at me.

The first thing I did was make them goggles!  Then I gave them each a coat of paint and some stencil work.

From there I just went mad adding cogs and pipes and any left over bits that I had not used on the walls!

 These photos were taken at my house  before I took them through to the restaurant.  Not the easiest blighters to photograph!

Here he is in situ.

 The fob watch actually works!
This is Mr Wildebeest's final abode, he gets to oversee the radio room!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! Creepy yes but look how cool they look now!!


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