
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

What's on my Workdesk Wednesday No382? Giant clock

Hello there

I have been AWOL again... Oh the good intentions of mice and men... but I am joining in for today over at Stamping Ground.

Here is my current desk... The carport floor and garden.  I am building a giant clock.  2.27m big to be exact.  It is for a boardroom, there are a few other things going in there too, but they are still to be started...still in my head...


  1. well look who's here!! great to see you again and what a huge project... hope to see the finished clock one day (would say soon, but I can imagine how long it will take!!) Helen #2

  2. Can't wait to see the end result! Looks like a LOT of work ahead first though

  3. The cat made me laugh!! Just be careful not to stick it to the finished clock, that would give the boardroom a different vibe! Actually, I really do love it, I have a bit of a thing about oversized clocks on walls...Oooh, lovely. Are you going to steampunkify that one?
    Nice to see you back btw!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xxxx

  4. Have being kept abreast of what you are up to via Facebook. This clock is a mammoth one and I am sure when it is finished it will be as fantastic as your many many other projects have been. You are so lucky having your little cat to stand guard.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  5. Hi Bella, that clock is amazing. Love how your kitty has decided to help, lol.Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #8 xx

  6. Wow, that's a project on a whole different scale! Good that you put the kitty in there for size reference! Would love to see how it progresses! Have a great week! zsuzsa #22

  7. What a enorm project but such a good idea.
    I like it and i am curious of whats next in that room you'll make

  8. Hello Belinda. WOW that is by far a very large and stunning craft project you are working on. Love that your little helper is there to keep you company. Can't wait to see photos of it all done and great job on it so far just loving it so larger then life feel. Thanks for visiting me earlier and good luck on finding a fuse tool on line..... I really didn't think I would love it as much as I am but great for all sorts of stuff I have sealed into plastic sleeves. Have a great week. Hugs ~Anne L#7

  9. Hi neighbor!Wow! wonderful project and cute kitty!
    robyn 10

  10. Hi there Bella, good to hear from you, what a stunner of a huge project my guess is the dock puss is minding is the prototype and now you're working on the ginormous real deal!!
    Wow! is all I can say, that's truly mindblowingly huge!
    Well done Shaz in Oz.x 13

  11. Wow what an interesting project! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #41

  12. see my cat would just sit smack bang in the middle of whatever I was working on... your companion is far better bred... Dx (42)

  13. So we should meet in AWOL land lol. that is one huge project, cant wait to see the end results
    Bridget #3

  14. That's cats for you Bella they just know where not to be and then sit on it! This is one large project too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  15. Looks to me like you're making a cat on a clock...LOL!
    I'm looking forward to seeing the completed clock. Hope the cat is helping.
    Chris #27

  16. Impressive clock project!Love how cats always have to be IN on the Action!

  17. your project looks very interesting, do show us the end results please. Have a nice week, Vicky

  18. Your projects are always amazing... can't wait to see the splendid result.
    sandra de @26

  19. Bella this is so fabulous!! I really cannot wait to see how it takes shape....


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