
Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Anne Redfern inspires us with her telescope


Dear reader

Today it is Anne's turn to inspire you with her creation for the Design Team!  I have put a few photos here for you to see, but here is the link to her personal blog where she will tell you more about how she created this masterpiece!

These are all the products that she used
I love seeing the before and after photos of the objects primed with spray gesso above and covered with Gold Cerantica wax below!


  1. Thank you for sharing this Belinda, it was a pleasure to create. Your papers are gorgeous and I love how detailed and easy to use the moulds are! Anne x

  2. This is such a wonderful project. I love the whole release and am so enjoying what the designers are creating and sharing. I bought some of the molds when I quickly ordered following the preview. Now I’m off to use them, such fun.

  3. Stunning project from Anne. All elements look amazing and are beautifully crafted. Congrats again Anne on joining this wonderful team. Nicola x


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