
Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Design Team member Disorganised Crafter for Lady Vagabond


Dear Reader

Today it is Nikki's turn (AKA Disorganised Crater) to show off her skills with the Lady Vagabond line...

She has used stone paper by Stamperia to create this amazing backpack bag.

If I didn't know it was paper, I would have thought it was leather!  Quite mind blowing!

I love how she incorporated the moulds on the flap and the straps as well as the handle and even the Supervisor has a spot on the tag!

The inside of the bag has been lined with the A3 ricepaper!  

I love the gears she has added on the shoulder straps as details


  1. Really amazing, I would swear it was leather.

  2. This really has the wow factor, I would happily go out with this beauty over my shoulders, it is so beautiful. I really love how Nikki incorporated the moulds. xx


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