
Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Anne Redfern's February DT post with a Music Box


Dear Reader

To learn more details from Anne herself... hop on over to her blog here!

I think she is so clever to create dimension on the back of the Lady Vagabond mould so that she can be viewd in the round!  Genius... quite Genius!

I love how she painted Lady Vagabond too.
Now I am going to be on the lookout for a music box with a dome too.  This is a great thing to make over!

Sneaky little Supervisor cat sitting at the back.  He is like "Where's Wally"  he turns up everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. So cute, I’ve been following Anne’s work for years. I’m so excited she’s working with the lady vagabond products. It’s a real treat.


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