
Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Guest designer Nuneka Box


Dear Reader

Today I have a guest designer Nuneka Box  from Spain who has created this incredible multi coloured canvas called "Adventure Time".

- MixMedia Glue K3P00000

- Sir Vagabond rice paper "Train mechanism" DFSA3080

- Crackle Paste K3P50

- Lady Vagabond Stencil KSTDG06

- Heavy Body Paste K3P42W

- Lady Vagabond Mould “Keys and locks” K3PTA485

- Lady Vagabond Mould “Fly Machine” K3PTA482

- Primer K3P28G

- Allegro Ivory KAL12

- Lady Vagabond 12x12 paper pad SBBL82

- Decorative chips SCB33 - SCB36 - SCB37

- Vintage Antiquing Paste KAOLBR


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, love the colours 🙂

  2. The background is amazing 👏🏼

  3. I was really taken by this when I saw it on FB, the colours are just gorgeous and the whole design is wonderful! x


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