
Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Exploding Time Machine Canvas by Belinda Basson


Dear Reader
I am finally back on my own blog!  Fancy That!  Today I have my latest reverse canvas called Exploding Time Machine.  The machine isn't really exploding... more like it is exploding from one time realm into another, through the paper!
I love how you can reverse the image of the clear die cuts to suit your design, in this case I painted the back of Lady V with the Gold Allegro paint to make her face inwards towards the bubble.
I have painted Gold Allegro paint behind the clear die cuts to make them pop off the page and then mounted them on giant foam squares.
Of course, it had to have lights inside... or it wouldn't be my project...  would it?  I love adding lights to everything I make.  (Fun fact:  my first word was light... need I say more?)

I took the photo below, before I placed Lady Vagabond into her Time machine bubble which is really a clock managed by Key hands that teleport you to another place in time!  At least here you can see the dimension between the chipboard pieces which I achieved by using giant sponge foam squares.

Products used from Stamperia:

SBB757 Airship paper
SBA402 Brads
SBA406 small gears
SBA407 Large gears
DFLDCP02 Clear die cuts
DFLDC27 Die cuts
KSTD071 Stencil Time Machine
KTL24 30 x 30 Canvas
KAL106 Earth Allegro paint
KAL34 Super Gold Allegro
K3GGS02 Gold Glamour Sparkles

1 comment:

  1. I share your love of lights. The clock looks amazing the way you built it up and of course the lights are a brilliant addition!


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