
Friday, 13 August 2021

Olga's mannequin


Hello, Hello, Olga here... so yesterday I had project disaster. I made several approaches to that project and I took a bit of figuring out to make it look like I wanted. I wanted to make picture prop something I could fit in my new photo setup to be just an element in the background. Eventually I decided on a dress form. I used a styrofoam torso and added rest of elements from molds and metal elements and I decorated my torso with my favorite rice paper
I did first version quite fast but when I left it to dry... my huge stack of random objects didn't hold and I found my work in pieces on the morning. 

I was able to salvage part of stand and torso but they had broken look to them. So the final leg of my prop is made from an old brush and couple plastic containers from yoghurt that I weighted down with old bolts. I covered everything with clay impressions and embraced broken look on the leg and continued the broken pattern with elements from 13 keys and 5 locks. 
And as I couldn't fit stencil on the side I mimicked the paper pattern with metal flowers

Rice paper unfortunetly i couldn't find it on website

Soft Mould A4 - Lady Vagabond keys and locks

CME Code: K3PTA485

Allegro paint ml 60 - Cappuccino

CME Code: KAL90

Allegro paint ml 60 - Old ivory

CME Code: KAL50

Allegro paint ml 60 - Shadow

CME Code: KAL45

Allegro paint ml 60 - Turquoise

CME Code: KAL25

Soft Clay gr 160 White

CME Code: K3P44

Pack 16 pcs Metal Fantasy nature

CME Code: SBA382

Pack 18 pcs Metal Fantasy

CME Code: SBA380

**Patina Anticante ml 20 - Shadow

CME Code: K3P16M

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