
Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Shamela's book cover


Below are a few step out photos to show how the cover started off before it became this masterpiece!

I think the photos are quite clear as to what she used and the steps she took... Then she got carried away and forgot to take more process photos... as one does!  LOL!  This has happened to me too!

here are some close ups of the finished details of the book cover.

Products used:


KAL: 106 Terra d Ombra
KAL: 11 white
KAL25 turquoise 
KAL 20 mattone
KAL 01 gold 

K3P50 white crackle  paste 
K3PTA571 Lady Vagabond Pipe mould 
K3P15G gold
K3P15T turquoise 
K3P15R  copper
K3P15S silver
K3GGS04 Glamour sparkles burnt umber
DC07GN extra forte glue
KE48M extra gloss finish
KAOLBR vintage paste
KAQ 018 aqua color turquoise 
Sir vagabond stencils:
KSAT14 the traveler 
KSAT 16 wings 
KC85RG Gold stone paper note book
DFLDCP02 Lady vagabond Clear die cuts
DFLDC27 Lady vagabond die cuts 
Glamour pigment: 
KAPG02 gold
KAPG 06 ancient pink
SCB 22 decorative clock chippy

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