
Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Belinda's flying boat


Hello Dear Reader
Here is my flying boat!  When the original Lady Vagabond was released quite a few people made boats...  When I knew that I was getting the rope mould and the anchor in the second release... I could not wait to make my version of a boat!

I used thin corrugated cardboard packaging from some Ikea boxes and built the base of the boat from strips.  Then I glued the 8x8 piece of paper on the same packaging and fussy cut round the top of the deck and Lady Vagabond.

I mixed the Glamour pigment with my resin to make it brown and ran the wings as a "skeleton" in the mould.

finally I added the other moulded items that I had painted black and then waxed with the gold Cerantica.

The white rope that I wound around the railings which I made from the original pipe mould is from my stash.

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